*CELEBRATING THE CELEBRANT* *Woman of men's dream* It was just yesterday, The info that your day, Is no other day but today, Bumped into my way. Seeing you in your pics alone, Made my eyes a stone. And I felt like saying I love you and I am staying. Your skin color in a mirror Makes men see horror meal raw And hunger to taste in haste But all their attempt is a waste. Your beauty makes brothers, *'See stars'* with *'broad ass'*, Your smile makes a lot of sense, That makes men end up to *'Woo men'*. Rivers stood still, Wind and storms appeal, Living souls all on *curfew*, Because of your *curve view* CORONA VIRUS DISEASE May make all NYSC activities Including our CDS cease, But our wishes, it cannot sieze. We love you so much dear, Celebrate your day anywhere, Not minding COVID-19 It won't cough till night inclines. Join me in celebrating this *woman of men's dream*....