*SILENT PRIDE* 😭😭😭 I have been in ministry for quite some time now, and have taken time to study my life and the life of others. I have studied the scriptures and discovered *ONE MAJOR THING that GOD HATES*, is *PRIDE* Ps 40 vs4.😭 PRIDE is in two categories, the VOICED PRIDE and the SILENT PRIDE. I would love you to read this article with all BROKENNESS of heart. Bible clearly stated that *GOD RESISTS THE PROUD. James 4vs6 * That's one verse in the Bible I FEAR most. Imagine a MINISTER that GOD is resisting his ministry, Imagine a Person that God is resisting his life. *IF GOD is RESISTING you, who can ASSIST YOU?* Listen! your MINISTRY will never grow more than it is now if you ARE A VICTIM OF GOD'S RESISTANCE. *and anyone WHO partners with YOUR MINISTRY will also PARTNER in your MISERY.* The worst case of PRIDE is to be PROUD and you don't EVEN KNOW. Hmmmmmmm. SILENT PRIDE. This I see in the LIFE of some persons, especially young Ministers, and I cry. *SILENT PRIDE* i...