*An online Youths Seminar by the Youths Department of The Proclaimers of God's Glory Assembly, Aparadija, Lafenwa Ota.*

_On: Sunday, 26th January, 2025._

_By: 8pm_

_At: WhatsApp Youths Page_


*Delivered by: Bro Ademola Gabriel ADEOTI (Guest Speaker)*

*Anchor Scripture: Matt 22:37-40*

The topic has three major keywords namely; 

*PURPOSE:* The end for which something is done, made or exists (i.e, the purpose of turning off the lights overnight is to save energy)

It simply means aim, goal, target, plan, intention and reason.

*DRIVEN:*(the past participle of drive): Passionately motivated to achieve goals. It means something planned usually long lasting, and effort to achieve something, the ability coupled with ambition, determination and motivation. In other words, drive means ambition, grit, push, verve, motivation, get-up-and-go and self motivation.

*LIFE:* A worthwhile exstence (Jn 1:4, 3:15-16, 3:36, 4:4, 6:48, Col. 3:3-4, Rev 20:15)

Therefore, a purpose driven life is a life with a push, motivated to achieve the set desires, goals and intent for its existence.

_Reading texts:_
(2 Chro 32:2, Ezra 4:5, Job 33:17, Psalm 17:3, 140:4, Proverbs 15:22, 20:18, Eccl 3:1,8:6, Isaiah 1:11, Dan 1:8, Eph. 4:32)

_Areas in which one can live a  purpose driven life:_

- Relationship 
- Career Success
- Personal growth
- Spirituality
- While others may see life as simply an experience to be lived and enjoyed 

*Benefits of living a purpose driven life:*
• Purpose creates focus (You can think about anything but you cannot think about everything)

• Purpose triggers decisions

• It shapes thinking

• It stimulates activity 

• It provides a benchmark

_Purpose of life according to the Bible:_

The Bible is clear that our ultimate purpose in life is to glorify God (1Cor 10:31)

*How do we live a PDL?*
(Note: PDL is an acronym for Purpose Driven Life)

Say "NO" to things that don't serve your purpose or distract you from your priorities. 

Take action. Living a PDL requires acting towards your goals. 

Identify specific actions you can take to move closer to your purpose and take small steps every day to make progress.

*Principles of PDL:*

•To love Him (God)

•To be a part of His family

•To become like Him

•To serve Him 

• To tell others about Him

*Ways to invite a greater sense of meaning into your life*

1. Look for opportunities to practice kindness. When you have a chance to help someone and it's easy for you to do...... Just do it. Remember, enikeni ti iwo ba ni pa, lati se iranlowo fun o, ohun na lenikeji re. Too ju re.

2. Identify your values (putting your energy towards that which matters most)

3. Write a list of the ways large and small your work has benefitted others (motivator)

4. Look for meaningful moments 

5. Be the best version of yourself more often

6. Find your "go-to" purpose amplifiers (e.g small acts of kindness)

7. Change your phone wallpaper. On an average, we look at our phones 46 times per day and this creeps to 76times for adults aged 18-24. We can leverage this by making your wallpaper a photo of something that reminds you of what matters, what you value most that's personal. It could be a photo of a special place, a special person or even a screenshot of a quote.

8. Get support. Purpose is not something we have to go at alone. Support could be from religious/spiritual leaders to professional leaders and coaches to psychologists etc

To live a PDL, you must

1. Define your purpose. Write down your purpose statement and keep it in a visible place to remind you of your goals.

2. Set goals and create a plan. (SMART goals, i.e Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic and Time-focused)

3. Prioritize your time.

4. Take action.

5. Practice gratitude from people, experiences and opportunities in life 

6. Practice mindfulness (meditation or journaling)

7. Surround yourself with supportive people (mentors, role models etc

8. Surround yourself with positive influences (remember evil communication corrupts good manners. Show me your friend and I will tell you whom you are)

9. Embrace challenges and setbacks (they are natural part of the journey). Embrace them as opportunities to learn and grow

10. Embrace failures as an opportunity to learn. Apply them to future endeavors.

11. Celebrate your successes (no matter how small)

12. Give back. Give back to your community to support things that align with your values. Remember living a PDL is a journey not a destination. Stay open to new opportunities and experiences and be willing to adapt your goals and plans as you grow and evolve

*Recommended Book*📚 

The Purpose Driven Life by Pastor Rick Warren.
The book has 40chapters and are divided into 6 major sections with the following titles:
1. What on earth 🌎 am I here for?

2. Purpose 1: You were planned for God's pleasure (Christian Worship), being around God and making Him happy

3. Purpose 2: You were formed for God's family (Christian fellowship), loving others especially members of God's family

4. Purpose 3: You were created to become like Christ (Discipleship), growing in spiritual maturity and becoming like Jesus. The Antioch experience (first set of people called Christians)

5. Purpose 4: You were shaped for serving (Christian Ministry), love others and attend to their needs.

6. Purpose 5: You were made for a mission (Christian mission). Sharing God's love with others.

Two additional chapters were added about the two biggest reasons why Christians do not live a PDL;

*_"Envy" and "People - Pleasing"_*

*Selected quotable quotes*📌
1. Without a purpose, life is motion without meaning, activity without decision and events without reason. _Rick Warren_

2. The greatest tragedy is not death but life without purpose. _Rick Warren_

3. If you live for the approval of others, you will die by their rejection. _Rick Warren_

4. The purpose of life is to find your mission and fulfil it. _Mother Theresa_

_Living a purpose driven life is a journey not a destination. Stay open to new opportunities and experiences and be willing to adapt your goals and plans as you grow and evolve_✍️



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