I said yesterday that humans are tripartite being (the spirit, soul and body).

I want us to know that for one to get *Ogun rere* (Goodly heritage), there must be *Ogun* (war/battle) and for you to win any *Ogun* (war/battle), you need *Ogun to daju* (Potent charm).

Without *Ogun* (war/battle), there's no need for *Ogun* (Charm).

We treated yesterday part of the *Ogun* that we need to put the body in place.
 When there's *Ogun* (war/battle) in your body system between your body cells and sickness, you need *Ogun to daju* (Potent charm/medicine) to cure it and that's why we have to start with our body system.
Just as our body system needs *Ogun to daju* so also do our spirit man needs it because the spirit realm is the control room where the physical is been set, reset or scattered.
 'Omode o mo ogun, o pe ni efo'

The reality is this, *Ogun to daju* wa but if you don't know the incantations, it won't work. 

No wonder, herbalist will tell their clients say after me or say it the way I ask you to say it ooo so that it will work as it is supposed to work; and if the person mistake the incantations, something bad eventually happens, why???

It is not the concortion that does the work but the incantations used to seal it.
The diagram of a dog in a book cannot bite someone but if you know the right incantations, the dog will be dangerous and fiercely wild that it can tear an individual into pieces.
Now, many of the prophets, pastors, herbalist and even sheiks, imam etc keep accounts *(iwe ogun)*, some will even publish and sell it but the question is what is the original origin of all these ogun???
How can you get or make a confirm and potent Ogun??
Does the Bible support the use of Ogun????
Does any prophet or minister of the Gospel use Ogun In the Bible???

All these questions will be answered tomorrow by *8:00pm*
There are potent charms but only those who know the incantations can know the importance and relevance of it's potency.
Everything on earth is a material for charm but only for those who know the incantations.
Don't forget, _all things work together for good..._
No wonder herbalist would ask their clients to say the incantation of the charm after them, they will make the clients rehearse it well so as not to mistake the words because if peradventure the wordings of the incantation are mistook then, it won't be potent or probably, it will backfire or do something else. So, *incantations* is very essential when it comes to 'Ogun to daju'.

The diagram of a dog in a book can't bite someone but if you know the right incantations, the dog in that book can be fierce and very dangerous. I.e *incantation is very important*

Many prophets, sheiks, imam, herbalists etc. Keeps charm record because they believe the charms recorded or documented in the book is very potent and as such, they won't want to forget any leaf, root, ingredients and most especially the incantation.

Sequel to the above, it is certain that *leaves, roots and other materials are very potent but only in the hands of those who know the incantations*.

Psalm 16:6- _The lines are fallen into me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage._
This Bible text is making us to understand that we all have a goodly heritage which is our 'ogun rere' and for that 'ogun rere' to be gotten, there's an 'ogun' that we must overcome and to overcome, we need an 'Ogun to daju'.
_For every success, there's a battle, challenge, examination, temptation you must overcome._

Everything created by God is good and beautiful; the trees, plants, leaves, root, waters, animals, all things, he created them all that we may have dominion over them; he created them all for our use. 
*N:B*- ```For everything you know how to we well, someone somewhere can do it better than you; everything you know, someone somewhere knows it better than you do.``` So, if what you believe in is the use of leaves and roots, somebody somewhere knows the usage much more than you do.

The usage of leaves, roots and other materials I said will be a potent charm if only you know the right incantations. This simply means that *INCANTATION is the potency of a charm*
The same materials that the theatre practitioners and the drama ministers use is what the herbalists use but what makes the difference in its potency is the incantations and not just incantations but the right one with the right words.

*For every potent charm, you need incantations and for every effective incantations, you need the right word*
What is now the right word????
See *John 1:1*- in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

So, *the right word you need for effective incantations to make a potent charm is JESUS*
No wonder the Bible says in the book of *Proverbs 18:10*- _the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and he's saved._
*Philippians 2:9-10*- _*2:9* Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name_
_*2:10* That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;_
 Whatever you know how to do and someone else does it in another area and send it to you, you'll understand how it was done and the ingredients or materials used for it. 

If as a good caterer, someone somewhere bakes a cake and send it to you, you'll understand and know the ingredients the person used in making it. No wonder fashion designers will just look at the picture of a cloth and they'd get the way the material was cut and how it was being sown and they'd make the exact type in the picture.
Fetish materials aren't potent enough because those are the magics the magicians of Pharaoh performed in front of Moses but in the end, the rod of Moses swallowed theirs.

So, if you believe in the usage of plants and other fetish materials, I want you to know undoubtedly that someone somewhere will understand how you made the charm and what you used to make it and it will be very easy for that person to know it's abomination or what can spoil it and they'd spoil it for you but if you believe in the Word, JESUS, no one can unveil it because JESUS is the unsearchable God, the mystery that cannot be unveiled by any mortal man. 
*N:B*- ```Fetish charms may seem to look potent but if the  Omni potent appears before it, they'd all bow and disappear.```
The rods of pharaoh's magicians also turned into snake but it was not potent, it was a fause evidence appearing real, FAKE; And at the appearance of the Omni potent charm, the rod of Moses swallowed theirs. This is to show that, at the name Jesus, every fetish power, magics, charms etc shall be impotent.
 If a WITCH is battling someone, summon a WIZARD and the witch will fall,
If a WIZARD together with a WITCH are battling someone, summon a MERMAID (white witch) and the witch and wizard will be powerless.
If a WITCH, WIZARD and a MERMAID are now battling with someone, the only saviour/Messiah that can help deliver you is JESUS.

The name Jesus is more potent than anything you think you know or need. 
Any material you want to use for a charm, the only effective incantation to make it potent is the name *JESUS*.

*Psalms 127:1*- _Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain._
Everything you do, every material you use as charm are all impotent if Jesus does not approve it.

*N:B*- When I say charm, I don't mean you burning animals, burning leaves, mixing shit with nonsense...
 What I'm saying is this:
You have a sickness, challenge or anything and you're led by the spirit of God to use any material such as water, fruits, clothes etc as Ogun, or a remedy, call on Jesus first to make it effective.

A Goya oil may be an ordinary oil but when it touches the hand of a *man of GOD*, it becomes an *anointing oil* and whoever the oil touches becomes an anointed person. 

Because God is involved.

If you're for God, you will definitely recognize Him and his word in another person because the Bible confirms that in the book of *John 10:1-16* 
_*10:14* I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine._
It won't be difficult to identify your father's voice from the mouth of a prophet when he's telling you something or giving you a message no matter the denomination of the prophet.
_*10:16* And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd._
So, don't be decieved or confused with a message, don't let someone brainwash you with prophecy, you're a child that have a loving and caring father, ask your father if he sent the message to you and he will give you a confirmation. 

*Psalm 24:1*- _The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein._
God (your father) created everything so, if anyone is using anything your father created against you, call your father and he will control those things for you then, everything will work together for your good.
```If anyone knows how to use anything and you know the owner of everything, he will control everything and the person who wants to use it for you. So, the only potent charm one can possess is``` *JESUS*. 

Some people will put candles in bottles, pour candle wax on their heads or faces, do all manners of rubbish all to prove that there's power of God in their lives but I tell you, those things aren't the power of God but acrobatics, magic displays... Those are part of what the prophets of Baal want to display in front of Elijah but lo and behold, it was not working because God was with Elijah. *Just as darkness disappears at the appearance of light so does every other charm, magics, abrakadabra... becomes impotent at the presence of God the Omni potent*
The magician, herbalist, acrobatics performers might have been reigning for years that they might have even gained the trust of the nation, Kings and queens just like the magicians had already gained the trust of Pharaoh who with full confidence was boastful of them and their powers in front of Moses but when Jesus the Omni potent charm appears through Moses, they all became powerless.
When a potent charm appears, every other charm becomes impotent, they bow; at the name of JESUS, every kneel must bow.

Now, let me unveil to us the ORIGIN OF THE CHARM RECORDS, documents of malaika's names. 

Many years ago while some people were being disciples of prophets, they followed their master keenly that they see what and how their master does things but guess what, something was missing in their followings and learnings.

Moses and other great men of God for instance never had records and  never kept all these kinds of record; all they do is seek the face of God, wait on him and listen to instructions. 
When they get to a stage or state of confusion, they seek the face of God and ask Him, father, what next should I do and God will reveal to them what to do; take this thing, use it like this and it will work like this and if they do it, signs, wonders and miracles will happen so, many disciples fail to realize that it was because God ordered or instructed them to do it this way that made it work all they see is the things used and how it is being used so, they write it down as an account and start passing it from one generation to the other.

If they now use it and it didn't work, they'll now start looking for a way round it, looking for another alternative which is why magics and other fetish things are seen in churches today.
Many people fail to know that the ancient prohets don't keep accounts or record, all they do is talk to God, they call on the name of Jesus and ask for direction on what next to do and God will tell them what to do. 

It is what they do that many disciples write down and keep as record not knowing that it wasn't the action that was potent but the God behind the action.

Moses spoke to God and God  instructed him to throw the rod in his hand on the floor and when he obeyed, the rod turned into a snake. 
Again, he asked God what to do when they got to a point where there was red Sea in front of them and pharaoh alongside the children of Egypt was coming behind them and God instructed him to stretch forth the rod in his hands to the red Sea and the sea parted. Now, go and see many young prophets with rod in their hands that it is a prophetic rod. They're ignorant of the fact that it wasn't the rod that was potent neither is it the way the rod was used but the Omni potent God who instructed Moses to use it the way he used it.

No wonder why many go to programs and buy soap, fruits, waters etc even with a huge amount of money and still, it won't work for them WHY??? because it was God who instructed Moses Orimolade Tunolase, Samuel Bilewu Oshofa, Ayodele Babalola and other men of God to use water, oil and other things the way they used it that signs and wonders happened but they have forgotten that, they're just using it. 
Water is a very good medicine and an effective charm but if God does not instruct its usage, one will only drink water and get burst and if God does not order/instruct you to bath in a river, you'll only bath and almost turn to fish and nothing will happen. 

*It is not the combination of materials that make a charm potent but the incantation recited with effective words on it and the effective word is the name JESUS!*
The name Jesus is the effective charm, if you have Jesus, you have the most potent and effective charm. 

One of the hymns in our hymn book says

*Onisegun nla* (the great physician) wa nihin
*Jesu* A-ba-ni-daro
*Oro re* (His words) mu ni l'ara ya
A gbo ohun ti *Jesu*

Jesus is the greatest physician, the greatest charm that supercedes every other charm. It is his word and his word alone that makes heals and makes whole; his words is what makes whatever item we are praying with be it water, soap, fruits, oil etc potent. 
It is not a material that is potent but the word of God, JESUS, that makes anything potent. 
What you bought in a program will not work for you if it wasn't instructed by God so, ask your father in heaven before you buy anything to use so as not to be wasting divine resources. 
*You're a waster of divine resources if you spend money on items not instructed by God* so, be mindful of what you purchase.

When I said this earlier:
'omode o mo ogun, o ng pe ni efo' what I mean is that 'were ni oro agbelebu leti awon to ng segbe' i.e Foolish is the word of the cross to those who are perishing. 

Only those who don't know God and his word, Jesus that will accept that there's another charm, medicine... Aside JESUS.

That Dagon bowed in front of the ark of convenant doesn't mean that the ark was powerful or potent, the reason why it fell is because of the presence of God the Omni potent in the ark. (The ark initially symbolises the presence of God). 

Everything you're using to pray at the instructions of Jesus becomes a very potent charm. 

Another hymn sing says:
Alawo ko, olorun ni
onisegun ko, olorun ni
eniyan ko, olorun ni.

Whatever item you use as a charm, another person will understand the kind of item you used and how you used it but Jesus is unsearchable you cannot know his beginning nor his end.
 If you claim you know Jesus, you're a Christian and you're being identified with cherubim and seraphim church or celestial church of Christ and you're still involved in fetish things, then,  you're insane and you need treatment; the only antidote to your ailments and madness is JESUS. You need to meet Jesus, receive him, believe him and accept him wholeheartedly for you to be saved.

The word of God is a two edged sword, it protects the children of God and it destroys anyone who wants to harm the children of God.
"Aja Inu iwe o le ge eniyan je sugbon bi eniyan ba mo ohun e, o le se eniyan ni ijamba, o si le fa eniyan ya si perepere"
The diagram of a dog in a book and the child of God used the incantation JESUS, the diagram is very dangerous for anyone who wants to harm the children of God. If you know JESUS, nothing is impossible. His name is the most effective power, charm, incantation, word, name, tongues...

Finally, Don't believe in candle, water, anointing oil or any other thing infact, don't believe in a prophet but believe in the God that send then and use them. Don't go to a program to see a prophet or to receive from a prophet, go to programs to see Jesus and your faith in him will heal you.

Jesus is not sick, he's not disabled... So when you have Jesus, he'll do all you want him to do for you. You need healing, deliverance, provision, protection etc call on Jesus and your insurance in him is secured. 
The diagram of a dog in a book will pieces your enemy if God intervenes in your matter. 

Conclusively, every Alore, Woli, Evangelist, Teacher, Apostle, pastor... Needs Ogun to daju and the ogun to daju that you need is the word. Jesus is the word. You don't need accounts, records or documents. Don't learn to make charm, learn the word of Jesus and miracle will be happening even without you having any account.

Accounts can't be as effective as having Christ.
Take for instance, the account you have with you contains a record of cure to stomach ache and peradventure the stomach pain in your account was caused by chronic ulcer and 3 persons are being brought to you having stomach pain and you brought out your account check and started calling the names of malaika you can call, mixing all you can mix and you gave them the items meanwhile, those brought to you are suffering stomach pain for different reasons, 
1- Menstrual pain
2- Committed Abortion
3- indigestion
 Do you think it will work for them???
But if JESUS is the centre of your charm, he will tell you what to do and how to do it; in fact! It may look meaningless to the ears or the eyes but it is an effective charm that will do signs and wonder because God uses the foolish things to conform the wise.

Whatever a man of God is directed or instructed by God to use at the name of JESUS, becomes a potent charm.

Leaves, roots and other items are vain and impotent the only working and active charm is Jesus, the word of God. In the beginning was the world and the word was with His and the word remains unchangeably GOD.
If a witch, wizard, mermaids, herbalist, prophets, Alfas etc come after you, if you have JESUS, you'll overpower and overcome them all. 
For every battle you need to overcome, the only potent charm you need is JESUS, the Omni potent; for you to get those goodly heritage and attain the heights of your heart desires, all you need is JESUS.

Adam and Eve fell for temptation in the garden of Eden because they don't believe In their identity as an image of God because if they do, Satan won't confuse them. So also, many prophets, pastors, alore, and many other so-called ministers of God go about looking for accounts and other fetish things including acrobatics is because they don't believe in the Omni potent charm (the ogun to daju),  the power they have, they don't believe in the name of JESUS. It is for this reason that I pray for the Grace to believe and know the reality in the power that is in the name of Jesus to be bestowed upon every minister of God in Jesus name. Amen.




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