One of our doctrine in C & S church is 
THE CREED ( IJEWO IGBAGBO) . This is Confession of faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour. 

This simply explain details about our doctrine that we worship God and we declare Jesus as our saviour and NOT angels. Some other denomination look down on white garment church as if they don't know Jesus or born again, but the truth is that we are the first Church from Africa preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Confession is a vital part in our spiritual growth as a believer. Words exist both in natural and supernatural forms that change circumstances and shape destinies. In C & S Church , we don’t only recite The Creed as a laid Church Doctrine passed from generations to generations but also acknowledge its uniqueness. 

In it we confess,
The Divine power and unison in the Trinity.
Jesus Christ mysterious birth.
Impossible mission accomplished.
Undeserved crucification.
Death and foretold resurrection.
The Lord’s Day and the gathering of saints from denominations on earth to form the Universal Church.
Lastly, the believe in the theory of life after death.

In C & S Church , the creed is a sacred recitation that shows and teaches the basic foundations of Christianity. Though, many encampments out there see C & S Church as a movement without biblical understanding to taste but with sacrament of old full of rituals and rites.

 A quick one, what comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church, a movement filled with uneducated individuals also been led by unlearned church leaders which makes it unsatisfactory for your type?

What comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church, their aspect of Do’s and Don’t is not your way or what you can cope with? Or you don’t just see them as Christians?
What comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church, their culture of removing shoe before they enter church is just uncivilized and you can’t cope?

What comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church, long service with ups and downs?
What comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church, in a world of many exotic designers and brands to rock and showcase, they chose white fabric(Sutana) instead?

What comes to mind when you hear the name C & S Church , a lady once said to me “they are pagans”

A member explained his experience with a lady of an unknown denomination but said he was able to changed her motive and view towards
 C & S Church  as fellow Christian denomination.

Imagine how surprised redeem members will be when they saw their pastor preaching in C & S. You wonder why they were surprise? They have looked down on us that we don't know scripture. We are not born again. We don't know Jesus at all. Whereas, This C & S church started with the word of God. The founder of Redeem Pa Akindayomi attended Saint Moses ORIMOLADE Bible school. But the problem we have then is we have too many Babalawo converted to C & S who didn't leave all their charms , mixing Jesus and charm together . They're the ones that started Apoti Eri and fake trance with different coloured candles and garments , these are the spoilers of the church but God is raising us up to change the narrative.

The Scripture recorded in Mark 9:38-41 the golden verse that unite various denominations in Christendom. The disciples were rebuking others of Christ name because they were not on the same train. But Christ said, “Don’t stop them. For the one who is not against us is for us”. This is what gives it all a clear meaning of how we’ve been called into Christendom and who we are all working for, only if we can accept this truth then we can progress with what we’ve already made.

The creed is the spiritual bond that unite Christians as one family under the authority of the Godhead. It’s not just a recitation but our earthly and eternal declaration of whom we are and where we belong to.



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