Oh man of God, humble yourself.
Don't think there is none like you
Don't boast of your gifts , Anointing or results
Don't boast about your Rank and Position 
Boast only in the Lord .

If people older than you or your parents kneel to greet you or talk with you, stand up and stop them. Lift them up immediately like Peter .

In Act 10:25-26, Cornelius Prostrate to greet Peter
He knew Peter was called and anointed 
But Peter lift him up, and say no no , don't do this.
We are brethren . We are one . Humble soul.

Pastors, Apostles , prophets , leaders humble yourself . Don't fight over seat or staff or position.
Don't fight to claim seniority or claim to be superior. Fight the good fight of faith.

If members leave your church , don't say they can't make it again in life because they left you .
Leaving your ministry is not leaving God .

Don't be angry at your follower because they didn't tell you when they want to travel so you can check if they can go or not . 

Never boast about your program , numbers of members , or how many years in ministry. 
God himself fight a proud person . He gives grace to the humble . 

Don't bring down other ministers to feel better 
Don't destroy another man's image to look great
Honour others more than yourself .

Don't say you are greater than going to minister in a small church . You may say, how much will they give me? You may say, I will just send someone there , we are more than this kind invitation, what if God wants you to be there ? Humble yourself.

Dress simple . 
Relate with others . Be friendly . Smile . Be kind .
Speak more about Jesus than yourself or gifts .

Don't make a Big chair for yourself and wife 
Let your chairs be equal to other members 
Don't dress to look bigger than others 
Dress in very simple and humble way.

The night Jesus was arrested, they couldn't recognise him until Judas used kiss to identify him. Jesus was a simple leader . No big chair , no superior dressing that people can easily recognise the leader, no . He was just so humble.

When you meet people , don't start talking about your title , awards , achievement, first learn to listen to others and learn from them to know them better . 

Humble yourself .
Stay blessed 




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