I was anchoring the first day/segment of the retreat on our WhatsApp platform yesterday and as we were discussing, we discussed the benefits of hearing God's voice and now, I have the urge of sharing it with everyone.
Here are some of the benefits of hearing from God.
1. For God's direction in life: one of your greatest asset in the race of destiny is divine direction, where there is no divine direction in the road of life, the answer is a road to nowhere, difficulties, stampede, stagnancy, sorrow, bitterness, regret and mistake.
This should not happen to you.
Thy word is a lamp into my feet and a light unto my path (PS. 119:105)
2. For correction - if decision is wrong, then, the result would be wrong, then God provides us correction by speaking to us. (Job 33: 13- 17)
3. For fellowship - we hear from God so that we can fellowship better with him (John 10:27)
4. For breakthrough: Hearing from God provides the tool for breakthrough in life, business, marriage and all endeavors of life. (Lk 5:4,6)
1. Audible voice - God uses this way to speak to unbelievers and believers alike, nobody is qualify for this. This way God speaks to us thunderously leaving no room for doubt. (Act 9:4)
2. The written word of God (the Bible). Ps. 119:105
3. Prophecy: 1 these. 5:20,
4. Vision: Vision is a direct picture of what would happen in a real life, it needs no explanation. (Dan. 2:19)
5. Dreams: dreams is a series of symbols and images we see while asleep, it needs interpretations
6. Trance: this could happen while your eye is wide open or when you even close your eyes and open it immediately. (Act 10:10)
7. Inward witness- God speak frequently to new testament believers through inward witness. (Rom. 8:14)
8. Events and circumstances
9. Through fellow believers
10. Through the ministry of Angels (HEB 1:14)
11. Through body signs
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