As a kid, I grew up to know my dad as a businessman; a popular one at that.
In terms of fame, he was famous in his business and well known with the name of his company - BOLUS. 

However, there's something that seemed very strange with the way he trained us. He was a diehard fan of education and wouldn't want any of his children to venture into any business without education. Countless times has he wasted mum's kerosene, ice water and he likes when we choose to help her hawk since other children were doing that to help their parents too. 
BOLUS will never tolerate any of his child hawking; what happened to your notes and textbooks, have you read for the whole term????
Times without number have I received lashes of his canes because I was playing ball when I haven't read for the entire term at the beginning of the term. 
I had to drop the idea of selling stocks and doing shoe making as a side hustle. In short, I had to drop my zeal for soccer because my dad don't tolerate it. He'd ask you, did I tell you I'm not capable of feeding or training you????
You must go to school because I don't want you face what I faced or pass through what I have passed through.

In his words, it's crystal clear that education has made him faced some insults and challenges to the extent that he had to go back to the university at old age alongside my mum. 

He made us realize that for you to become anything in life, its almost impossible without education because the future of tomorrow lies in the hand of education and the level of your education will determine how relevant you'll be in the future. 

I accepted his point of view and let go of everything that I loved and focused on Education but as I was approaching the future, reverse seems to be the case because people with vocational skill seem to be more relevant than educated individuals and they seem to be getting jobs easily with their handwork than educated persons and  this made professionals in different vocational skill employ educated fellows as apprentice and train them even with the certificate they claim to have so that they can get work out there too if government is not providing job opportunities for graduates.

As we move closer to the future, I discovered that many people who have vocational skill experience are venturing into business and businessmen and women are longing to gain admission because there's virtually little or no customer to patronize them and those who have customers are labouring hard and earning money for card and still,  some of them decides to continue working like slaves just to keep their customers.

Then, I sat down to evaluate what was wrong and why what pays some people are more like a loss to others. 

And now I have come to a conclusion that the challenge or let me call it the missing factor is GRACE!

You see, it doesn't matter whether you're a graduate or you are into a business or you're learning a vocational skill, what you need is GRACE!

Pray that God's Grace makes that thing in your hand fruitful. 
It is not by power nor by power, might or ability but by my spirit say the Lord. 

When I got to know this truth,  I instantly forgave my Dad because I have been counting it against him that he debarred me from vocational skill and businesses that could have been a source of income. 
After all, I have now tested all... I have ventured into business, vocations, company works and different kinds of labour work and now, My eyes are opened that what I need is GRACE and nothing more. 



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