*THE NAZIRITES (Numbers 6:1-15)* 

 *Are you a Nazirites? Do you know the play roles of Nazirites in this dispensation? Do you know who are the Nazirites in this dispensation?* 
 *Come and let us learn;* 

Nazirite is a Jew bound by a vow to leave the hair uncut, to abstain from alcohol, and to practice extraordinary purity of life and devotion.
This definition fully lies on the old testament, you can see the law of uncut hair, but here in the new testament we may not need the law of uncut hair which I can give as an example.
 It was from womb I have been bound and dedicated for the ministry when by Mom told me that I was brought back to life in the womb at month five by God who used a Prophet in Alapere which I won't mention his name, behold I did not leave my hair uncut, but there are some personal covenant by God from my childhood to keep me holy and in complete fear of God till now, and I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't womanize and I stay alone much. I cut my hair very well, infact if I don't cut my hair on time at times I won't get myself because my hair is meant to be clean and my hair grow very fast.

 This is why at times I laughed inside of me when some people says they are Nazirite and you see them with long Dada, it is well and very fine with no condemnation for those who have done it and still doing it, we serve God with the knowledge, the more knowledge you have about Him will be the level of worshipping Him. I do cut my hair and nothing happen to me, but there is a personal covenant for me which is different and extraordinary holiness from every other person.

 If you wish leave your hair as the old testament Nazirites it is good... But let us read Galatians 4:1-5, especially that verse 5 which says; to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons... So, you are once under the law of Jews which being a Nazirite will make you to leave your hair for some period of the vow for you to be more holy unto God, but your human work can never make you holy and righteous, our righteousness come from Him(Isaiah 54:17).

Now, who is Nazirites in this dispensation? 
 Nazirites are the covenant child, and we are all covenanted into the sonship and the Abrahamic blessing when we come in Christ, although, there are some like me who have higher covenant with God by their parents or themselves, but naturally man is created to be holy and blameless before God, Paul says in Ephesians 1:4 that; He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love... We are meant to be concentrated right from the beginning, but when transgressions came the law was given(Galatians 3:19). And some was given to make higher vow to be more concentrated to God for the ministry.

 So, in this new testament who are the covenant child/Nazirites? 
 It is all the Christian!
 Some may be given the mandate to some higher covenant because of the work, but we are all meant to be holy and righteous before God when we come in Christ.
 In this new testament we don't know a Nazirite by the uncut hair, if the person that gives the message of Nazirite to you have deep understanding of the scripture you will not do any dreadlock, it is good if you do it, but that never make you holy in the new testament, Christ have observed all the law so we can be free as a son, the only law we have is love to God and man!

If you are a Nazirite and you leave your hair uncut, but you still dwell in many sins you are very wrong, ye Nazirites! Concentrate yourself unto God. 
 Area boys do leave their hair uncut and some do Dada, so what is the difference between the both? See, here in New Testament we know them by their fruits!

 Everywhere dada on people's head, at times I looked maybe my own God is different, hello oo... I'm also a Nazirite by the grace of God Who has chosen me before my birth, a Nazirite from the womb indeed.
 What makes you a covenant child/Nazirite at first is by you coming into the covenant of God in Christ, than if there is any vow that has been made upon you or you made by yourself, then you can move with that in Christ.
 Covenant child/Nazirite, have you accept Christ? Do you love God and your neighbors as yourself? If no that your dada is useless!

 _I'm by name Olarewaju_ 
 _A Bondservant of Christ_ 
 _A man bond in Christ_ 
 _A Nazirite_


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