Golden Exposures in Drama Ministry. 
Number: T16. 
From time immemorial, so many destines, ministries and virtues have been lost as a result of various lackadaisical attitude of the receiver.  PROMPT ACTION is  therefore the currency of destiny. It is one thing to know and agree on what to do. It is another thing DOING IT! The doing process is where PROMPTNESS is needed. 
Men of Issachar, in the holy scriptures, are applauded for understanding the vitality of TIME in the journey of destiny. 
Some persons may get angry again if I insist on using EXAMPLES from  our midst to drive some points. But it is an obvious fact  that MOST popular DRAMA MINISTRIES  in our midst,are managed by leaders who have been SMART and PROMPT in taking critical decisions. They refused to do things at their CONVINENCE and PACE ( leave it at that level).
1)"I can do any divine assignment at my CONVINENECE ". A big fallacy. Life runs on TIME and CHANCE ( opportunity). If you miss the time, you miss the tide.If you miss the chance, you miss the dance. Every divine assignment is tied to TIME. Your missing the time is tagged as DISOBEDIENCE and every disobedience is punishable by law. 
2) " GOD knows that I do not have resources to run the assignment". A big lie. Silver and Gold belong to GOD. The hearts of KINGS are under His control. You are not able to get the resources because you are UNWILLING to step out with WHAT is presently in YOUR HANDS( Exo 4:2)and   WHAT is currently  in YOUR HOUSE ( personal and ministry house)  2 Kings 4:2, John 6: 9. 
Your PROMPTNESS on these demands , are what COMPEL the EXTERNAL FORCES and NATURE to assist you in fulfilling destiny. 
3) " It does not matter. It is me and GOD alone". Another end-time lie. No man is alone in fulfilling  destiny. Every man has some  destines attached to him. They are MANY who are taking INSPIRATION and DIRECTION from you. You may never get to know some of them until we get to Heaven. It is therefore ABNORMAL to be SELF-CENTERED in every decision of ours. In fact, in the world of forestry, the BIGGER a tree, the more risk  to smaller plants. If the tree falls when other plants are yet to mature , there will be more CASUALTY.  The big tree will sweep  out the plants. Likewise, no SINGLE TREE can make a FOREST. The highest a single tree can make, is A BIG SINGLE TREE. A FOREST is simply a gathering of MANY  BIG TREES and SMALLER PLANTS.
4) " Until I am through with my personal assignment, I will not devote my time and resources to collective assignment". Another big  lie from the pit of hell. A collective assignment/ vision is a TEAM WORK. It is like a football match against the host of darkness. Every member of a TEAM has a ROLE ( defence, midfield or strike) to play. A LAPSES on a member, affects other members and OUT-COME of the MATCH. Your unwillingness to act  PROMPTLY when needed, is like a man who gets the ball in the field, runs out with ball to attend to his wife and children , comes back at his own CONVINENECE to continue with the game. You already know the answer. No sane referee will tolerate such attitude.He will be disqualified and the match will end against his team. An  ASSIGNMENT has a SPECIFIC DURATION. It is not forever. Nite cometh when no man can work. Other PLAYERS in the field, have thier own wives and families to attend. It therefore demands  SACRIFICE from all the team members in different LEVELS, QUANTITIES and GRACE for actualisation of purpose and vision. 
5) " Only me can do it. If I die , this assignment is finished". This is the most dangerous lie from the pit of hell. No one is indispensable in fulfilment of divine assignment. GOD is only MINDFUL of His covenant with some elects. They may, sometimes, misbehave and misbehave while He awaits them to come to their SENSES. Others may not have such privileges. GOD simply take their role and give to another while they are still alive; roaming around. The bottom line is that GOD  can CHANGE any player who is not PROMPT in carrying responsibilities. He sees such individuals as MEN who are UNWILLING and DISOBEDIENT and should therefore not be allowed to eat the FRUITS of the land ( Isaiah 1:19).
Whenever you are given an ASSIGNMENT in ministry, TRY as FAST as POSSIBLE to deliver your ROLE. Defend, pass or strike the ball  to the  post as the case may be. If there are OBSTACLE , quickly alert co-players ( via verbal or gesture) for QUICK INTERVENTION. It is then their responsibility to intervene or all ends in the ditch. 
This is the WILL of GOD for every team willing to win. CONSTANT COMMUNICATION (saying something and making sure you are properly understood with FEEDBACK). No feedback, no communication! 
GOD bless you mightily in Jesus name! 
Pst KC Nwachukwu
GSM: 08036139394


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