CHILD CHRISTENING SERVICE (IKOMO)- written by Evang Gbenga Oyeleye

1. Child christening service or naming ceremony as it is widely called in CCC must be observed on the 8th day after birth and the child must appear in already sanctified white garment(Sutana) wrapped with a Power cloth(Aso Agbara)

2. Items to be provided by the parent of the newly born child Include:
A. 7 different kinds of fruits(carrots not included), 
B. Honey
C. Sugar and Salt.( Although sugar wasn't part of the items initially but fortunately It became a padded idea) 
D. 2 packet of Candles and incense 
E. 1 Empty 10 litre Keg.
F. 1 Exercise Book (Optional)

3. A prophet carries a male child while a prophetess carries a female child. In a situation when the baby is of a male and no male prophet available, then a female prophetess is called into action while a male member carries the baby throughout the service and vice versa. However, in another deeper situation where the baby is not readily available due to different unforseen and unadjustable circumstances, a candle stick and a bible wrapped with a power cloth will be used either by the male of female prophet depending on the sex of the baby.

4. No silent prayer during child christening service and it is NOT DOCTRINAL to combine this service with other devotional services irrespective of the day. However if it has to be so, necessary adjustment must be taken into consideration such as the compulsorily usage of our processional and recessional hymn song Jerimoyahmah before switching into CCC Hymn 929( Emi yup dupe...etc). Additional bible lesson reading for the child christening service (Luke2:21-39) and inclusion of Psalms 128 after reciting psalm 51 must also be observed.

5. The order of procession into the church goes thus:
A. The incense burner carrier
B. The Bowl carrier (a basin containing 7 candles stick placed into a micro 7 lamp stand menorah with just 3 candles to be initially lightened while at the entrance)
C. The Prophet or prophetess or both in case of multiple babies with respect to their sex
D. Seven Elders ( 3 females in front while 4 male members follows)
E. The Choir
F. Visitors or those on house wears
G. Children ( Male & Female)
F. All Members including the Elders.

6. By instruction from the Rev. Pastor and leader of the church recently, it is imperative to note that 7 Halleluyah must be chanted in unison by the congregation and not the regular showbiz of starting with the mother, the father and the church.
7. The 3 names divinely given for the baby must be sent initially to the shepherd in charge for approval and corrections (if need be) before it's been announced publicly. Meanwhile, the parent of the child can add their own generated names to the list but the ones given by the holy Spirit through the Prophet/Prophetess remains very much covenated, authentic and significant to the baby's destiny.
8. The holy name of God that must be called before reading Deuteronomy 28 is JEHOVAH JECO HIRAMI and neither shiko Hirami nor Jenco hirami. This perculiar holy name means; God the king who gives and blesses his church with divine and covenated children.
9. Kindly Note that 33 days after the naming ( which makes it 41 days after birth), the child must be brought back to the church for dedication and Thanksgiving while the mother must be subjected to proper sanctification and purification. Leviticus 12:1-3
10. The 10 litre water Keg must be available to contain the basin water where the 7 candle sticks was placed and must be used to bath the baby for at least 3 months while each of the 7 left over candles must be lightened for 7 days in the room where the baby will be placed( safety measures must be in place).

However,  it is imperative to briefly explain separately some activities been witnessed during child christening service in Celestial Church of Christ which remains a mystery to some people especially visitors who often wonders why those items were placed. 
The mystery of 7 is aligned together in 4 stages during child christening service in CCC. The first 7 mystery is the 7 candle sticks which represents the 7 spirit of God (Isaiah 11:1-2),  the second 7 is the mystery of 7 different kinds of fruits which means fruitfulness and multiplication for the baby (Gen 1:28). The third mystery of 7 is the 7 elders that must be available to seal the covenated prayer using Deuteronomy 28. While another mystery is the 7 dancing times around the table where sugar , honey, salt, fruits and water basin with 7 candle sticks is placed. The 7 members dances spherically around the table without distraction in praise offering alongside the incense burner, basin Carrier and the prophet/prophetess carrying the baby. They are all moving circularly in one accord beckoning on the Spirit of God to descending upon those items for thorough sanctification and consecration. 
God bless CCC World-wide.
For more teachings on CCC doctrines, kindly get a copy of my book titled Scriptural teachings and Revelations on CCC doctrines and acquire more knowledge about the church liturgy and its significances.


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