For you to live a successful life and fulfill your dreams, there are 7 categories of people you must constantly have in your circle:

1. Paul- Your Mentor
2. Barnabas- Your Partner 
3. Timothy- Your Mentee 
4. Jonathan- Your Confidant 
5. Docas- Your Supporter
6. Samuel- Your Prophet 
7. Joseph- Your Spouse

1. YOU NEED PAUL: Paul is your leader, your mentor, your counselor, your adviser, your rebuker/reprover. Someone who can control you and checkmate your excesses. Someone you respect and appreciate. A person whose words you cannot throw away. Your Paul is someone you look up to for guidance and clarification on important and sensitive issues. Your Paul is your supporter, encourager, motivator etc.
*Note: It was Paul that helped Timothy fulfilled his calling as an apostle.* 

2. YOU NEED BARNABAS: Barnabas is your partner, a reliable friend, a trusted colleague, a responsible neighbour, a supportive classmate, a co-labourer. Your Barnabas can be a faithful church member, a sincere business partner, or a close friend that you can always run to in the time of trouble and he/she won't fail you. A person who is going the same direction with you and will always be there to keep your company during good and bad time. 
*Note: Barnabas was a co-labourer with Paul as a collaborator in thier Apostleship calling.*

3. YOU NEED TIMOTHY: Timothy is your follower, your catcher, your junior colleague, your apprentice or trainee. Those that rely on your leadership example and instructions to learn from. Your Timothy are those that receive directives and instructions from you. Those who run to you whenever they are confronted with challenges. They are those that need your inputs, support, encouragement and assistance in order to make progress in their lives. 
*Note: Timothy was the only Apostle that further enlarged the ministry of Paul like the disciples of Jesus did after He departed.* 

4. YOU NEED JONATHAN: Jonathan is your bosom friend. A friend who won't give up on you irrespective of his/her personal interest. Jonathan kind of people won't allow selfishness and self-centeredness to colour their emotion, advices and suggestions for you. They don't give room for strife, envy and competitive jealousy to trigger negative reactions against you because of your success and personal greatness. 
*Note: if not for Jonathan, it would have been extremely difficult for David to fulfill his dream of becoming a king.*

5. YOU NEED DORCAS: Docas type of people are destiny helpers. They are ready to sacrifice their resources to help you achieve your dream. They are like the woman that broke alabaster box of precious and expensive oil and poured it on Jesus in Mark 13:4. They won't spare anything needed for you to reach your goal. They are ever ready supporters. Nothing is too sacred or special that they can't let go just for you to achieve your dream. They are unrepentant helpers. 
*Note: It was Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemos that released their expensive tomb and ornament to give Jesus a befitting burial. John 19: 38-40.*

6. YOU NEED SAMUEL: Every problem or challenge answers to a spiritual verdict. Your Samuel is your prophet and your spiritual father. God still honours the verdicts and prophetic utterances of His true Prophets and Pastors. You need to identify your own *Pastor/Prophet*, they can be instrumental to achieving your dreams through divine revelations and prophetic declarations over your life. 
*Note: It was Samuel that God sent to establish the divine mandate upon David's life, even when his father didn't remember him.*

7. YOU NEED JOSEPH: A partner like Joseph to Mary is what everyone should have in order to birth a glorious dream. Mary the mother of Jesus was predestined to birth the saviour of the world. Joseph supported Mary to fulfill her purpose, even when he had several reasons to put many away. To fulfill your dream, you need a supportive spouse. A spouse who will go extra miles for you to achieve your dream and fulfill your God-given purpose. A spouse that understand God’s plans and purpose for your life and always ready to stand by you. 
*Note: If you marry wrong, your dreams and life's purpose are halfway aborted. Seek God’s perfect will in marriage before you say I DO.*

You must be careful in selecting these 7 categories of people, most especially your mentor and your spouse, because they have the power to determine your destiny.
I Pray the Grace and Power to choose aright the Lord God Almighty will release it to Your Life in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! 
Stay Blessed


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