• No matter how anointed you may be, if your life is wrong, your work is wrong.
You cannot claim to be a minister of God on the pulpit and still live a life filled with the fruits of the flesh. O WRONG NAU

• You won't be judged by your work but by your life.
You may tender the credentials of your achievement in the vineyard on the last and you'd be condemned for a good wasted life. 
You prophesied, healed the sick, did this, did that in your name and still be sent out because of the life you lived.

• Ma tori oun to fe je (eat) ati oun to fe je (become) ko wa padanu ijoba orun.
What you're passing through shouldn't dictate your direction, let the holy spirit make you. You've giving your life to Christ doesn't mean you wouldn't face challenges, in fact, you're bound to face it rigorously but the joy is that, we will definitely overcome it because the mighty man in battle has won the battle for us before sending us to war. 
Are you famished as a minister, your work in the ministry isn't yielding the expected fruits yet???
Its one of those things - one of the challenges you have to face; continue with your service, you'll make it and not just making it but making it in abundance if peter can catch to the extent that nets were renting after a whole night of unfruitful labour.

• Don't just work in your church, work in your ministry.

Church is only on Sunday
Ministry is Monday - Saturday
You're called to ministry not to a church. Your ministry might be giving, preaching, teaching, evangelizing, singing etc don't just do it in church on Sundays do it everywhere you find yourself everyday and every time. 
You're called into a ministry not into the church, take your ministry beyond the four walls of a chapel.

• What God did not give to you, he will not sponsor.
What he didn't commission, he won't make provision for it.
If God should commit a ministry into your hands and you abandon it for your your own self ambition, goal, mission, vision, career, dream etc that is not even in line with his assignment or ministry for you, God will not fund it for you.

• Your ministry cannot be bigger than you if God is involved. The heavy and scary bills and task attached to that ministry God has entrusted into your hands is in His care, he knows how to take care of it. So, don't be scared, trust in him faithfully, he will settle it. He is the author and the finisher of our faith, he will make provisions.

• If you doubt the capability of God or his capacity, you'll turn deaf, dumb and can even go blind.
Don't doubt him. Let your faith be strongly rooted for him. Looking only unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith. Remember what happened to Zechariah a priest of God who doubted him...

• As a minister, if your husband or wife is not spiritually sound, you are not complete. 
Endeavor that your life partner, your help meet is in unison of faith with you so as not to shake the poles of your faith. 

Jesus is forever sure!
I represent him now and forever. 



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