Every church has its own doctrine and every church's doctrine is the founder's interpretation of the scripture.
The Bible is our standard, even though many people only have eyes to see the letters, words and sentences in the scripture but don't have the grace to understand what it means and because of that, you see them interpreting the scripture with their culture, tradition, lifestyle, idea or motive.
However, those who truly have the knowledge of the scripture will know that it is for this reason we are Ekklessia - called out to find the missing sheep and bring them back to the fold.
We are gods not God so, don't condemn any denomination. Besides, God is not from your denomination that you will have to judge people according to your denominational doctrine.
Rabbi Olarewaju asserts "
Christ is not from your denomination, Christ is what you practice for Him to be in your denomination
Jesus only know those who practice His doctrine (the scripture) and not those who tagged His name to their church name alone.
You are to practice Christ to be call Christian, and not just to bear name that relate to Christ."
We believe in God
We have faith in the scripture
We propagate the Gospel
We act the word to the world
We fish for Christ based on the standard of the Bible not fables.
He who is not against us is for us.
Whatever you do, do it with love and to the Glory of God.
1 Corinthians 14:40 - Let all things be done decently and in order.
Don't teach or preach rejection.
Preach and teach Christ love.
We are one body in Christ.
Although, when you see a wrong practice in the body, its your duty to correct it in love.
I rep JesusEveryWhere
I rep Cherubim and Seraphim
I am a Product of Mercy of God Gospel mission.
A bonafide product of His merciful grace
I am *#Kakaaki_Olodumare*
Mouthpiece of the most high and the masses.
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