Greetings to you all beloved in Christ, I give thanks to God for the grace and privilege to teach before the kings and priests for this month retreat, titled; Gifts and the Spirit. Let us pray 👏 Father of all Glory we blessed Your Holy name, and we give thanks You for Your grace and privilege to a partaker in this teaching, as we journey in Your word Father teach us and let there be light in Jesus name, Amen. Praise be to God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ Who has prepared before us a wonderful prophetic and dynamic teaching like this. The theme before us for this month says; "Gifts and the Spirit." It is a two different things which are from God, the gifts and the Spirit. God gives the believers in Christ what we called gift and the Spirit Help to glorify God with the gift, that is, the gift and the Spirit works together because the Spirit gives the gifts. The explanation on the gift is very wide and broad and we shall discuss it in this retreat, so we will be working on the gift first, and then we will move into the Spirit. When we talk about the gift here in Aloright we are talking about the good gift and the perfect gift(James 1:17a), they all come from God and for the believers in Christ. Now, the word good gift means "DOSIS" and it focuses more on the act of giving than the gift itself, so when we are talking about gift we are focusing beyond the common gift people know. Gift is not limited to the spiritual gifts, infact the spiritual gifts are the least ones among the gifts, although, all gifts from God are packaged in the Holy Ghost in Christ at the heavenly places. The gift is what God give men, and the greatest gift is Jesus! It is He Who descended also ascended, and He led captivity to captive, and He gave gifts to men. As we have come to the realization that this gift is from God, because it was through Him all things was created, Col 1:16-17 says; 16 For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. 17 And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. Now, let us open more on the gift and therein we will realize that many are using the gift of God with evil spirit and some all are from the devi. The word "good gift" means "DOSIS" and it focuses more on giving, meaning, it is not limited to the spiritual gifts we all know. The scripture says, for God so loved the world and He gave(meaning, He gifted us) His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life(John 3:16). That is, the gift to all men is Yeshua/Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and for accepting Yeshua will open rooms for receiving the Holy Ghost and His gifts. Accepting Jesus is the act of coming into the covenant and there in the covenant we have the Abrahamic blessing(Gal 3:14-16) which stated; Abram became righteous by believing in the word of the Lord(Genesis 15:6), which is justifying by faith and the Word was Jesus, Jesus has first operated in the dimension of Word/vocal of God to men from the beginning. There is nothing like Jesus from the beginning, it was known as the Word, and when the Word became flesh we have Jesus/the only begotten of the Father(John 1:14). To be more clear in understanding, Jesus said Abraham rejoiced to saw His day, and he saw it and was glad(John 8:56). The day of Jesus during Abraham days started from the day of Abraham's obedience to God's word which was Jesus then in the vocal/Word dimension, the day started from Genesis chapter 12,14,15,17,18,22... Abraham had first seen the day of Jesus, meaning Abraham enjoyed the salvation by grace through faith in the time of death. Having the understanding that salvation is the good-gift/dosis, and from the salvation we will receive the Holy Ghost and His gift. A lot of times we have many come into the wrong understanding by saying the gift of the Spirit is for everybody, even the unbelievers, that is not the issue, the solution is coming into the correct understanding with the guide of the scripture. The Lord took me on a spiritual journey and caused me to realized and come to the understanding that if any SPIRIT, either of God or of the devil come upon anybody he/He--the SPIRIT will give the person he used a gift, there will be a deposit on the person so whenever the SPIRIT come again the work will be in ease for him to use the same person. Then I saw in the realm as the journey was still on, on how many Alore are used and still on use by the unclean spirits. In many times we have heard and seen of many people who are Muslim that the spirit/Spirit possessed or inspired and they will be brought to church for their spiritual journey called trance, but many are evil spirit, see, someone speak in tongues doesn't mean it is the Spirit of God that is speaking. Many at times I will see some vision and I will cry out from the Spirit, I don't know maybe I'm the only one seeing it, haaa... O'God! Come! When you see us praying for rapture and crying like a baby these are part of what we are seeing that is making us crying, I cried for many who are shouting online and occupy with a lot of programs on rapture, because many of them we saw are seeing vision with the spirits of the devil, we pray for salvation for them. No one can see the exact date the rapture will take place, you can't say the rapture will never go beyond 2030, that is a vision from the devil because God can never show you such, you will just see it is near. You will just be saying the revelation like it may happen tomorrow, but saying it will not pass so date is a sign that the person is using the unclean spirit, either the familiar spirit which develop such self-revelation. Why are my saying all these in essence? It is to make it clear to us that SPIRIT, either of God or of Satan usually deposit gift in someone he used. Basically right from the beginning we don't have Satan, they are all angel of the Lord, but when fell they turned to demons and fallen angels, and they have the ability to possess anyone that allows them. Angel of God do not have the ability to possess, like to come in man but only to strengthen man, direct, guide, protect... Only the Holy Spirit that can enter man because He is the God and He owns the body. But the fallen angels and demons come to do like God so they can rule over man by coming into man which is the act of possessing man in order to establish their evil deed. Now, having the understanding that gift means "dosis" and it is more focused on the act of giving than the normal gift we know and the gift itself. This insightful definition of the good-gift which means "dosis" enlightening us to the clearer things in this matter of the gift that have more focus on the act of giving, meaning, we have less concern on the gift itself in order to understand it better, the gift is important but we need to understand the act to know where it comes from. Knowing that the good-gift/dosis focuses more on the act of giving. Therefore, James 1:17a says all the every good gift and every perfect gift is from above... That is, all the "good and perfect gift" are from God only Now, what those it means by good-gift and perfect gift are from God only? It means, it is only God that possessed the ability to give out gifts in purity. The good-gift is what God gives all and it is Jesus that came from above and without this good-gift where is other gift that man mab can receive from God. Now, James 1:17a talked also on the perfect gift, and the perfect-gift means the gift God gave that have no corruption. You cannot received the perfect-gift and be conformable with sin, it is impossible. The Spirit will purge you whenever He uses you and give you huge to pray always. Man and Satan can give out gift, but he may give with corruption, only those who have purged with the Spirit, then the Spirit will use them to give, heal, direct, counsel, teach... Now, coming to the popular gift which is under the perfect-gifts on the spiritual gifts listed in 1Cor 12, the gifts are for the born again! The word perfect-gift means "dorema", this gift is not only focuse on the gift of Spirit, it come at times like leading from God, it may look like the leading the of God to the Christian of Israel in Deut 8:2). This leading kind of gift will perfect a believer in Christ, James said count it all joy if when you fall into several trails(James 1:24). The test will make us perfect in patient, all gifts from God will make us perfect. Peter the Apostle said in Acts 2:38 that Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit cannot come without the Holy Spirit, it is the Holy Spirit that gives the gift, and when a man receives the gift He cannot remain the same. Once a man is born again in a family or in a church, the salvation will definitely spread(Acts 16:30-31) because he or she cannot hidden it, the person gas became a light that is set on the high mountain. This 9 spiritual gifts are categorized in three part, which are; REVELATION-GIFTS i. Word of wisdom ii. Word of knowledge iii. Discerning of spirits 2. POWER-GIFTS I. Faith ii. Gifts of healings iii. Working of miracles 3. SPEAKING-GIFTS I. Speaking in tongues ii. Interpretation iii. Prophecy All these work together, you can't say because u don't have the gift of tongues and interpretation that I won't be able to discern, no oo... I work more in the gift revelation and power, and that never mean I don't prophesy, although work less on the gift of tongues and I'm the cause. With all these gifts, if you don't have love you have nothing(1Cor 13). So, the love make it 10 which means totality. God will gift with righteousness, the gift of God come with righteousness and holiness, it is the Spirit that poured His love into our heart (Romans 5:5). So, how come you have no love and you said you have gift? The gift is questionable! The love is the greatest gift! Until we come to this understanding that God have not call us into uncleanness, but unto holiness(1Thessalonians 4:7), then we will see clearly that many using the unclean spirits. See, the unclean spirits also see vision, but you will know with the guide of the scripture at first and with the anointing in you that you have received from the Holy One(1John 2:20). The Spirit of God is the third Person of God and we have them Him in many dimensions. We have the Spirit of revelation, knowledge, wisdom...(Isaiah 11:2) The Spirit of immortality which is the Spirit of life; the scripture says if the Spirit Who raised Jesus from the death dwells in your mortal bodies, He will give it life (Romans 8:11). The Spirit are in many dimensions and this makes us behold His gifts. It is written that the spirits of the prophets is subject to the prophets(1Cor 14:32), the spirits is their act and it is based on prophecy, now we have the gift of prophecy in 1Cor 12:10. Because what Paul was explaining in that 1Cor 14 is the order of doing in the church, focusing on the prophetic dimensions. What is conclusion of the seminar here? It is, the gifts we talked about here in Aloright are the good-gift and the perfect-gift which have no corruption because we received them from the clean Spirit of the Most High God. I pray that the Spirit of the Lord tabernacle with us now and forever, His word shall remain blessed in our hearts in Jesus name, Amen. #Kakaaki_Olodumare


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