Let look into the story of Jesus and grow up in spirit the way He grew up.
Last week I talk about the evidence of your growth in spirit, which we can use as a mirror to determine our growth in Christ, and the mirror is christ.
We are Christians, which mean christ like and we have to behave like christ by growing to the level by using Jesus as our mirror(example).
Jesus grown in spirit by going to the temple to learn the word of God, which is like Sunday school and Bible study, for the Bible study we have you can enroll. You can wassapp or call this number +234 812 337 6332 Apostle Imoledayo.
That is why when Jesus started His ministry, the scripture says and the spirit was not given in measure, that is He have the spirit in full.
Now how can you grow in spirit or charge up yourself?
Growth in spirit deal with RELATIONSHIP, you must have close relationship with God first before anything.
First, start with the word of God as Jesus did, read the Bible, attend Sunday school and memorize scriptures like psalm 24, 19, 91, 23, 115:1, 116:7, 124:1-8, 51:1-3, exd 33:18, 2king 3:9, Luke 15:21, 18:13, Ephesians 1:17-19, Isaiah 54, Deut 28, psalm 20, 18, Romans 8:37.
Like when you want to start prayer you start with psalm 24 and 19, you will charge up.
You see, it is this word that will build you in spirit, and that was why Jesus was filled with knowledge, wisdom and understanding, because you have to know the God by reading about Him (the Bible).
Because if you don't know God you can't relate with Him and even me if you don't know me you can't relate with me.
Now let look into the scripture and see how Jesus personally pray by edifying himself.
Mark 6:46, Mark 14:32-39 & Mark 1:35.
Mark 1:35
Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.
From the above verses we can see that Jesus didn't edify himself by speaking in tongues, because many of them now that say they pray in tongues have entered demon real if they don't know
Now what does it mean to edify oneself?
It mean to pray and praise the most high God in a quiet place alone with the language that you understand and focusing your mind by having the thinking that God is with you and you are speaking with God directly.
Because God understands all languages, there is no language that is special, like them saying heavenly language. Don't mind those people they don't understand scripture.
The day the Lord initiated the gift of tongue all the people that are hearing it understood the language, that is to tell you that speaking in tongues can also be your mother language.
For you to now charge your self, you need to set an Alter time (Praying hour) at least three times a day.
Memorize some spiritual songs that when ever you sing you feel inspired like:
8. Loge odo jordani
Sing them when ever you want to start your prayer and concentrate like you should zero your mind.
The important part now is to get a mentor (A spiritual guidance) that will lead you in some part that you don't understand, because I see many people when they are just coming to church they think they are spiritually mature, that they need no body to mentor them, we all need mentor.
As you can see I don't include fasting, or do you can choose day that you can be fasting but fasting is not a thing that you will just say you want to fast.
Am not saying that you should not fast but lead by the the spirit.
The scripture never make us to realize that Jesus fast when He was still young but when He was Baptised by John and the scripture says that the spirit of the Lord led Him to the wilderness and He fasted for forty days and forty night.
His not the one that decided to fast or to go into the wilderness but the spirit of the Lord led Him.
And because is the spirit that led Him and He has understood the scripture, so that is why He is able to crushed the serpent. Math 4:1:11
Let me tell you what happened to me two months ago when we vacate in school.
I went home to meet my mom to stay with her, a week after I was given a task by one prophet on a woman that have spiritual attack.
We prayed and we are ask to fast on the next day, so we fasted, but it is not our dicesion to fast because it is after the prayer and the deliverance that the spirit instructed us to fast and we did, both of us fasted.
Three days later I had a dream, the dream was so powerful.
I saw some men and women putting on babalawo clothes and they came to me and taped me and said I should leave were I am, but I don't answer, so one want to touch me again, immediately I started with psalm 24 ti oluwa ni ile ati eku re and I stretch forth my two hands, gest what fire was coming out of my two hand and the fire born all of them. You see, but if I don't know any scripture what will have happen there, or do I fasted and it is God that help me and not by my power.
The next day I had that the other prophet is sick so I have to pray for him and by God grace his fine.
So you can see the way it work that is not by our decision to fast but the instructions from the spirit of the Lord.
So before I call it a day, once you are growing you must be receiving information from God because you are a christ like and Jesus did not live outside the spirit through out His ministry.
That is why we have to pray in spirit and live in spirit, how?
Ephesians 5:17-21 & Ephesians 6:18
Ephesians 5:17
17 Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
18 And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,
19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,
20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
21 submitting to one another in the fear of God.
You see the scripture never say speak with one another with tongues, but what? psalm, spiritual songs and hymns.
Ephesians 6:18
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.
Now the last thing you will do to sealed everything is evangelism.
The scripture make us to realize that after Jesus left the wilderness and He head that John had been put in the prison, He departed to Galilee to fulfilled what prophet Isaiah said and from that time Jesus started preaching. Math 4:12-17.
What was the message Jesus was preaching.
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
He did not say anybody should give his or her life to Him.
The last thing is to go for evangelism, win more soul to the body of Christ like spreading the good new (the gospel)
When we win soul the heaven rejoice.
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