Someone messaged me yesterday to ask my view on those C & S carrying Apoti Eri and I said she should scroll down that I have written over 3 articles on Apoti Eri and how those who carry it are all idol worshippers. No difference between them and harbalist or osun worshippers and sango worshippers.

One of their member who carry it chat me up yesterday on whatspp . He said he really appreciate all I write but he heared I am against APOTI ERI? He said he defended me that never . That I can never talk against APOTI ERI. That maybe the person is lieying against me .

I laugh. I ask him if he had read all my posts? He said most of them. I told him to go back and read well. I told him that all who carry Apoti Eri claiming to be C & S are simply spiritual babies that need spiritual feeding bottle and when they grow up spiritually, they will stop carrying box around the street with ritual cloths .

He was somehow angry. He said , why did I say all these things ? I told him to read Jeremiah 3:16. He said we should leave Bible. That there is alot of mistakes in Bible . That the version of Matthew is different from that of luke. He said we should not follow the Bible but the spirit of prophesy. He said , how can you say Apoti Eri at agelu is not real? How can you say Baba Akintobi Ajayi didn't hear from God well for bringing Apoti Eri? See, every time I go there , all my prayers are answered.

Here is my response : Did you know that Moses in the Bible is a great prophet ever before your prophet. Did you know that He hear from God but did another thing? God told him to speak to the rock , he strike the rock in front of all Israel. Miracle happens though he didn't do it right. Why? See, till date. None of the isrealite then knew that God didn't tell Moses to strike the rock. They thought , that was what God told Moses and as long as it works , who cares? 

Did you know this was why Moses didn't enter Canaan land? Did you know we the Bible readers are the ones that know why. Even Joshua his close disciple didn't know . Why did they say that prophet came back , that God send him to restore something's he didn't do well? Let's follow the word. Follow Christ. Follow scripture. Follow prophet as they follow scripture not out of scripture. 

Apostle, see stop.
 Forget Bible. Let's talk . Come to....

I switch off already. No time.
You see why I don't respond to many comments. Some people have eyes they will never see. Some have ears they will never hear. Why will I be wasting time?

I am writing for future generations
People who may wake up tomorrow and claim God said they should carry Apoti Eri.

Why is there no apoti Eri in seraphim land?
Is God not talking to them?
You know why? 
God didn't tell Saint Moses ORIMOLADE that nonsense. He never carry Apoti Eri 
It's not a mandate of C & S church

Those carrying it are not real followers of Moses ORIMOLADE mandate . They should change their name from C & S.

The apoti Eri that have leg but can't walk
You need to carry it 
See how those who carry it look like ritualist?
Why won't people run away from you in street?
What's the difference between Egungun and these people ? 

You that you should become apoti Eri yourself
You're the one still carrying one Apoti around 
Why don't you bring the apoti to Seraphim land ? And many of you all you have in it is charm, evil and wiscked weapons. Yet you speak in tongues and drink , shaking like the one with epilepsy. When will you grow up? 

Go and throw away all those Apoti Eri
You're the true Apoti Eri
And if it is what brings you joy
You're on your own.

I just wish unification have power to arrest them and enforce them to stop it or cancel C & S from their name .

Our focus should be Christ
Jesus alone 
Not idol , called Apoti Eri.



  1. Am soo happy with this short message, may God open their Spiritual eyes to see the truth, if truly u are in christ no ark can save you except Him.


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