Drama ministry today and Christian messages


Tonight, it's just like preamble.
Tomorrow,  I am going to use soft and voice note.

We are go to focus on somethings tonight. Before we proceed,  I appreciate all drama ministers on this platform.
I appreciate my beloved drama people from ijebu ode,  The apostolic church to be precise. We had a powerful session yesterday.
I appreciate my brethren from north that just joined, my people from badagry,  ONDO and so on
The Lord will reward you all.
*Drama ministry today, acting and Christian messages*

This is our focus tonight.
 Permit me to say. Everything in the Bible was dramatic Both the creation and the story of Jesus Christ. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was a drama minister. He came from heaven, God wrote the script. God gave him the script,  he collected the script,  he mastered the script and digested it. 

He came as a good actor
Holy Spirit directed the drama. Can we clap for Jesus?
 *Drama ministry today*

To my greatest surprise, many ministers today (pastors) are still seeing drama as a childish play or just a play. Many are seeing Drama as just youths play.
 Because some of we the drama ministers does not know what we are called to do. Some does not know that drama is a ministry
 May I tell you today. 
God called your pastor and pastor, he called some people as usher, he called some people as deacon and he called you as a dramatist. On the last day,  you will stand to give report about how you managed your ministry
Your pastor also will stand
 Drama has gone far beyond ridiculous. Drama is not all about comedy, drama is a message.
 May I tell you this. People are tired of hearing sermon in the church again. They want to watch the sermon
People has been hearing about the coming of Jesus Christ for years ago and they are tired of hearing
But snow them the drama about the coming of Jesus Christ. Just show them how the devil will be tormenting his children.
Let them see the drama.
Drama ministers,  let me tell you this. 

*Drama goes far more than the sermon*

Thank God tomorrow is Sunday. 

Let your pastor pick up the 🎤 microphone and say. 

*Praise God, today's service will be divided into two. If you want to watch drama come to this side, if you want to listen to the sermon come to this side*

Then come and see what would happen.

May I tell you something. Those that listened to the sermon, after two weeks pls ask them that what was the topic of the pastors sermon two weeks ago? 

No body will remember again
But after two months,  ask those that watched drama that who can narrate the drama that we watched last month to us.? 

Then you will see what we are saying.
It means,  those that watched the drama, God has ministered into their life through the drama ministry.

Any time a want to preach on Sunday, I don't reach without narrating drama.

Most time I use to gather some people in the church and teach them short drama and they will act it in my sermon

 Drama today is a revival.
Drama is been used by the available vessel and honorable vessel.
Yesterday at ijebu Ode while going for evangelism.  When it comes to street drama. Okada people even waited to watch Until the short drama finished before they went.

It is an encounter. May I tell you tonight oh ye drama ministers

 God gives drama ministers more understanding of His words than other ministers.
What do I mean?
When a pastor preached with a topic,  then after the teaching,  the drama people come and acted what the pastor just preached with the same title.
 Beloved, people will understand it more better
 Am I communicating?
 God bless you
The pastors titled his message *WHERE ART THOU?*
then after the sermon the drama people came up and acted with the same title *WHERE ART THOU?* then you will now see what we are saying
 I believe that I have convinced you tonight that *drama today is a ministry and a potential tools to will souls*
 I won't talk on *acting* but I will talk on message and role interpretation then I stop for tonight.

What is message?

Message is what was given to you to deliver to someone.
It may be gift or words. Message is message. I could remember two years ago while I was going to mount Zion school for an alumni program. 

A man brought something to the park and said its is a message,  he want to send it to someone in ile ife. Message is message.

But I am talking about God's message. I have seen some people saying, *God gave me a script so I want us to act it or make it as movie.*
See beloved. God can never give you a script, God only gives messages not script. You are the one to make it as script. God can never give you a script, He only gives messages.
There are billions of message with God. We can never act it finish or write it finished till heaven and earth will pass away
 It's just like pastors work.  No pastor can preach the whole Bible finish o till heaven and earth will pass away. Even let the pastor be preaching everyday, he can never finish Bible sermon. So, before your message would carry effect, it is in the hand of the messenger.
 And whines the messenger?
 yes,  you 👉 are the messenger
When God gives you message and you don't ask for the wisdom to deliver it you will spoil the message. That is why you will see some pastors today, they will have good sermon but their preaching always boring. Even among the lecturers on campus, Some lecturers would be teaching you good topic bit you will never enjoy that topic because he does not deliver very well. He has good message but the messenger is bad. *Messenger determines the result of the message.*
Are we still online?
Tomorrow, I will talk about *back stage conduct*
Pls remind me. Let me quickly talk on role interpretation for just five minutes then I give room for questions. But before then.
 I wrote a book and the book  will be out next week So if the group will still be active till next week, I will send the PDF here for free. The book is for drama ministers. I have written some. 


What is role interpretation?
Role interpretation means bringing script or story to life.

 There are many things that you need to consider in order to present your drama successful.
Think about the aim of your piece, the type of stage you are using and style of your work.

There are many things to consider when taking a piece of drama from script to stage, or performing a scene you’ve devised yourself.

Choices you make about the way to play the scene are called the interpretation.

*Role interpretation is the understanding of the literal situations and events that affect a character at each point in the story.*
These facts from the script are the given circumstances and help to determine the actions that you will take in performance.

When you first get your script, find a nice quite place and just read it through once from start to finish.
Your first pass is to get an idea of *what the story is about, where it takes place and who the characters are.*
This is when you form your first impressions of the story and it is probably the only time you will ever enjoy the script as a story. 

Once you have an understanding of what the story is about, you then need to analyse your individual scene in the script.
 When you are given a script, you will need to go through the process of interpreting *what your role is, which words should have inflection (usually the adjectives) In order to perform a script well, sit down with it for a moment and analyze the character.*
Every character has a backstory. As a voice talent you will be entrusted with a big responsibility; developing that backstory in your mind to enhance your role.
As a drama minister, make sure that you have a standing mirror in your room
This will be beeping your acting and rehearsal, When ever you are given a role to play, after the rehearsal, go binnacle home and practice again.
Make sure that you convince yourself,
Face your mirror and rehearse, Display in the front of your mirror Then when you meet at the rehearsal again you will perform better.
Thanks for tonight.



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