Today, C & S Celebrate 96 years on Earth. 
Every other denomination that started in Nigeria mostly have their founder start from 
C & S church . This is a church from heaven that God has used to deliver many souls and save many.

C & S  is a church denomination in Nigeria that was founded by Moses Orimolade Tunolase in 1925. Orimolade received considerable media attention when he healed a girl, Christina Abiodun Akinsowon, from a long-term trance in which she could neither speak nor hear. After the healing event, Orimolade Tunolase and Abiodun Akinsowon teamed up, as father and adopted daughter, and offered their services to heal and pray for people.

The Cherubim and Seraphim group have dreams and visions that facilitate the connection of God and humanity. In 1925, Jesus Christ had directed them to name the church seraphim. In 1926, they added "Cherubim" to the name of this church, making the congregation the Cherubim and Seraphim.

Several years after the creation of the Cherubim and Seraphim, different denominations following in its traditions broke off and formed new churches. The redeemed church , winners , C A C  , The Church of The Lord and many others have their sources linked the C & S church.

Saint Moses ORIMOLADE had  divine call to take the church to all nations as exemplified in his missionary journey out of Ikare, his homeland, in 1915 to Lokoja, Jos, Zaria, Kano, Ilorin, Oshogbo until he finally arrived in Lagos in July 1924.

The first Bible church here is C & S church. Baba Mose ORIMOLADE founded this church on the word of God not on ETO ADURA or APOTI ERI or Trance . He was preaching the word of God from town to town.

Today, many of the churches that came out of C & S like redeem and many of them look down on C & S because of how their pastors have painted the church as diabolic and not of God. But it's because of their ignorance of history and the bad eggs amidst the C & S . The ones that are fetish, doing different rituals with different colour garments , color candles and carrying Apoti Eri all about the streets . These are the ones tarnishing the image of the church.

It's time C &;S have a regulating body to enforce discipline. Unification can't do it. Doesn't have such power for now . This new body will be given the Biblical doctrine from Saint Moses ORIMOLADE and any church that doesn't follow such and doing opposite should be closed down or re name their church. 

For instance, they should be closing down all the churches that bear C & S carrying Apoti Eri all about the street . They should tell them to change their name from C & S or close it down. 
Why? Baba Mose never carry Apoti Eri. So those ones are not true C & S member . They belong to another sect. These are the problems of C & S church.

All fetish prophets that are using their gifts to impregnate all the women in their church , taking them to river to bath them should be arrested and put in prison . Why? It is not part of our doctrine.

They should also make it mandatory that the criterial for ordination in C & S church, you must be husband of one wife. Especially if you must be a church leader or Baba Aladura.

We have too many Baba Aladura in C & S . 
People are just giving themselves titlles and being ordained for what they know nothing about. The other day, I asked one Superintendent Apostle that what is the work of Apostle? He said , they're meant to seat at the altar. This was exactly what he told me . I was just laughing. I told him sir , it's not so . He also laugh. You know why? He knew he was there because he has money. He bought ordination to be there .

Lastly, we have too many divisions in C & S . 
Paul and Apollo's. People are running after different sect based on connection, what they will eat and drink. Which one is New seraph? 

What happen to old seraph? 
I am of Esther Ajayi, another one will say
I am of yomi soloye, another will say 
I am of this or that
This is how we keep spoiling everything
Every one is looking for their glory, fame 
We may put Moses ORIMOLADE picture but it's our picture we want people to see.

Many young youths have lost their calling running after different sects, beefing each other and looking for proper place to make money in the name of Ministry for C & S

Our Elders should stop all these 
But can they?
I don't think so. 

Until we have strong authority that can sanction all these . We will keep dividing . And I see more seperation in the future if we don't take action. People will start bringing up different programs in the name of C & S but they only have C & S on their mouth not in their heart. 

You may not like some of my words.
But I will keep talking the truth
Till I leave here .



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