Why do C & S remove their shoe before they enter the church ? Is it really necessary to remove our shoe ? Won't God answer our prayers if we don't remove our shoe? Did Saint Moses ORIMOLADE gave the doctrine ? Did Jesus tell anyone to remove their shoe ? 
These are the questions I will answer in this post. This will be my third post on why C & S remove shoe before they enter church. You can scroll down my page to read my past Notes.

On Sunday, The youth president and two other youths came to my house to visit me . It was raining when they arrived and their shoes carry lots of dirt. I didn't tell them to remove their shoe , infact, I told them to come in like that, but I remember the sister said, No o, I don't want to stain your floor with my shoe. They all remove their shoe outside before the enter the sitting room. Now , what's my point ? 

The major reason we remove our shoe before we enter the church is to HONOUR God. That's all. It's a way we honour God in C & S church. If you go to some kings palace, the way to honour the king is to remove your shoe at the ENTERANCE of palace to HONOUR the king. We see our church as the PALACE of most high God , so we honour Him by removing our shoe.

When Saint Moses ORIMOLADE was here, from reliable sources and witness , He was known to pray with bare foot and those who fellowship with him do so without any shoe in their feet. This is the way we honour God in C & S. It's part of our doctrine in the whole C & S Constitution. 

If you come to my house to visit me, you don't do as you do in your house , you do as I do in my house . That's true wisdom and true humbleness. Regardless of how foolish you think that is, it is still my house . If you go back to your house you can do as you want. 

One problem we have in C & S is we have too many people in position without power.  They occupy seat without power to stand for truth. This why how doctrines and practices are fading away with those who don't know better yet with mantle without mandate.

 In the Bible, God commanded Moses to remove his sandals before approaching Him on Mount Sinai. The Eastern cultural context of this narrative regards shoes as bringing in dust into the home and removing one's shoes "would be a way of recognizing one's personal uncleanness in the presence of holiness."

We  regard feet as being unclean; it is considered sacrilegious to touch books with one's feet and an insult to point one's feet at someone.As such, it is customary for worshippers to remove their shoes before entering the house of worship, where they believe they are entering into the presence of the divine.

Did Jesus ask us to remove shoe? No
Also remember He didn't ask us to wear white
He didn't ask us to build church 
He didn ask us to use microphone 
Why do all these ? 

Because , it brings glory to God.
And moreover any doctrine by our fathers in faith that brings glory to God and honour should be followed. Removing shoe is one of it . 

This doesn't mean that if another church wear shoe inside their church ,it is wrong . No. Not so. But as long as you put C & S as part of your church name and you say people can wear shoe inside church , then you're a bastard member of this church . It's better you change the name away from C & S church.

Temples and other places of prayers are considered sacred, and shoes, being impure, are not allowed to be brought inside. Barefootedness is a deeply-rooted pass to enter into the kingdom of divinities.

Shoes are generally used to protect our toes and soles of our feet from contact with dust and all sorts of impurities in the outside world and it is obvious that shoes are filled with dirt, so in order to keep a hygienic atmosphere we keep the shoes out.

It is also believed that temples have a channel of energy, that is exchanged with our bodies when we are barefoot. 

When God called to Moses from the burning bush, the first thing God told him was, "Take your sandals off" (Exodus 3:5). Some 40 years later when God appeared to Joshua as the Israelites besieged Jericho, He again said, "Take your sandal off your foot" (Joshua 5:15). What was God's purpose in both of these incidents? And how does it relate to us in God's Church today? Is God Too Old School? Why would God tell Moses and Joshua to take off their sandals?

 Is God too picky, too punctilious, too fastidious for our modern generation? As Joshua was surveying the besieged city, he was met by an armed Man. Boldly walking up to Him, Joshua asked whether He was "for us or for our adversaries" (Joshua 5:13; 6:1-2). This Commander of the Lord's army was God. When Joshua heard that, he immediately fell on his face to the earth and worshipped. Moses had done the same at the burning bush. Both times God said the ground they were standing on had become holy from His direct presence, and so they were to take off their sandals. 

A Sign of Reverence and Respect Taking off your sandals was like the old custom of a man taking off his hat when entering a building or greeting a lady—it was a token of respect. The ground was holy because of God's presence. People were to approach God with solemnity and humility. Taking off their sandals expressed an inward reverence through an outward behavior in their worship. Showing such respect avoids anything casual, sloppy or rude. Some Eastern religions today still require bare feet when entering their temples.

  A common custom in the Orient and for many in North America is to take off your shoes when entering a person's home. 

 God's Calling Is a High One How does this relate to us today? God is the "same yesterday, today, and forever" (Hebrews 13:8). What He established for Moses at the burning bush was no different 40 years later for Joshua at Jericho. Since He is the same today, it means that when we approach God we should have similar reverence as a mark of respect in our worship. 

 So, the question for us is: Do we bring the world's culture into God's worship? Or do we worship God in the way He has provided? God's worship requirements for the New Testament era are taught through His Church. We show reverence for God and His Church by observing biblical rules, customs and traditions.

 I keep writing here to uphold the foundational Biblical doctrines of C & S , focusing on Jesus and Heaven so don't come here with silly comments that lets leave doctrine and preach Jesus. Only a blind man or woman will not see that all I preach is Jesus but in C & S language. I don't have to preach Jesus the way you do. And lastly stop sending me friend request if you don't like what I post. 

Imagine someone said I make him unhappy with my posts. Yet he still send me friend request? Is the person serious at all? I ask if I am the cause of unhappiness in his life ? Then why did he want more unhappiness? Infact different kind of people.

Anyway, let me drop my pen here.
Today, I will talk about 
Why we bow down in service 
And why we say the creed . 

These things are important for us to know.
God bless you.



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