In Jesus name, in the mighty name of Jesus. 
I bless the name of the Lord for a new day and for what He has done in our life, Father Lord we ask for forgiveness Father forgive us in the name of Jesus. Be with us as we want go into your word, Father teach us in your word in Jesus name Amen🙏

Pillars of character are the Hallmark of some behavior,  like the things you can see in the life of someone. 

Someone said the best thing that could happen to a person is to be surrounded by the right people, because in prosperity you know your friends but in adversity your friends know you. It is only in adversity you know who is who👌

Are you a person of CHARACTER? 
We will know through the scripture. 

Know this that CHARACTER is Important for opportunities. 
Because heaven is full of people with good character, there is nobody in heaven now with bad character. 
So with bad character a man is going no were.

And If you are interested in your destiny on earth you must be interested in your character. 

So what are the things you can see in a life of a person and say this person is a person of character. 

2. LOVE. 

Now we are looking for the word integrity in five dimensions. 

A.  People of character mean what they say and say what they mean, they are the people you can't hold with anything but every other people say anything, anyhow and anytime.
Character people are known of their word.

B.   People of character, their word carry weight. 

C.   People of character are not given to lies. 

D. People of character are not given to slander or character assassination, there are many people who will pieces the character of other people in their absence, there is nobody too big they can't talk about but character people are not given to slander. 

E.  People of character are not given to too much talk, they are people of minimal word but massive actions. 

I will deal with this (E) 

Proverb 17:27  He who has knowledge spares his words, And a man of understanding is of a calm spirit.
28 Even a fool is counted wise when he holds his peace; When he shuts his lips, he is considered perceptive.

Because talkativeness is a confirmation of childishness. 

You know sometime some people need to do talk fast

Proverb 10:19   In the multitude of words sin is not lacking, But he who restrains his lips is wise.

Now hear this, anywhere thought is deep words are few and when thought is shallow word are plenty, so it is the shallowness of mind that reason for talkativeness. Because the empty barrel makes the loudness noise. 

Or haven't you see some people that will talk and talk on till they are weak and powerless, because when a man talk too much something is wrong somewhere. 

Also excessiveness of tongue is a symbol of psychiatric, you will see if you go to psychiatric hospital. 




People of character live the life of love. 

We look at this in five dimensions. 

A.  People of character lead with order in Mind and not just himself but with impart in others life.  

B.  People of character are not given to be envy or jealous. 

C.  People of character are not given the word unforgiveness. C.  People of character are not given the word unforgiveness. 

The ability to forgive anchor on the capacity to forget. 👌

D.  People of character are the people of celebrator.

E.  People of character are the people investor  like Jesus Christ our savior. 

Many people are looking for what to get from others but character people are looking for who they can impart good thing in their life. 

The difference between love and loss is love is looking for what to gives, while loss is looking for what to get from others at any cost of injury of others 

The book of 1cor 13:4.

1cor 13:4  Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil;
6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;
7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

Because I now discovered that it is when our reason have changed to what should I do or who should I help, that is when everybody lives will move forward and including you. 

Because as an Alore (Alorite) your duty is to pray for Saint, in doing that you praying for your self automatically. 

The book of JOB testified this. 

 Job 42:10 And the Lord restored Job`s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.

So this story of Job is telling us that we should never face our problems by ourself, it is God that have the solutions to all problems 

Now let me ask you again, are you a person of investor (character) ? 

 Because the Bible make us to know the people of investor and the people that are not, in the book of proverb, they are the people that gather and make good impart in the house of the Lord. 
And he said the investors are the wise ones, while those that not are the foolish ones. 

Proverb 10:5 He who gathers in summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.

You are an Alorite (Alore)? , are you sleeping at your duty post? , You are a foolish Alorite (Alore).
You are an Alorite (Alore) you don't attend Sunday school and that make some people also not to attend Sunday school, you are not an Alorite (Alore). 

Now where did you belong? 

I belief with this word the Lord have visit us and make some changes in our lives. 

You bless in Jesus name Amen🙏


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