Like three(3 ) sisters inbox me yesterday and yes a brother asking me :
"If a woman can fast during mentruation?"
And my response was YES and infact it's best period to fast and pray which I will tell you why in this post.

So later, I was scrolling through my wall and I saw the question on some C & S platform and I read some comments , I almost wept because of the kind of understanding people have around the topic "menstruation" .

We have seen it as a period when women are impure and unclean . Infact this is one of the reason why women are not allowed to near shrine and we bring that into C & S and celestial too that women must not near Altar because of their period . They are impure and unclean during their period and so they cannot fast . Some will even say their prayers can not be answered during this period because they're not clean. 

You see ? 
Who bitwitched us?
How did we arrive here ? 
I will show you.

In the old Covenant, it was true that women are impure during their period. But not so in the new covenant!

The problem we have is that we have too many elders and leaders who mix both the old Covenant and new Covenant together and cause confusion inside the church yet they are very serious when they are quoting Bible to explain such foolishness. 

Now let me show you from scripture in old Covenant where women is termed impure during mentruation and we move to the new covenant.

“When a woman has a discharge, and the discharge in her body is blood, she shall be in her menstrual impurity for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening. And everything on which she lies during her menstrual impurity shall be unclean. Everything also on which she sits shall be unclean. And whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the evening. And whoever touches anything on which she sits shall wash his clothes and bathe himself in water and be unclean until the evening. Whether it is the bed or anything on which she sits, when he touches it he shall be unclean until the evening. ...

Leviticus 15.
This was under the old Covenant.
This is one major of the reasons they don't allow women to enter church during mentruation. This is also why they don't allow women to seat inside altar in white garment 

They're following this law. 
But the law is now obsolete! As far as God is concerned. 

Jesus truly said He didn't come to cancel the law but to FULFILL the law. 
Many still don't get it o
They will quote it that , even Jesus didn't cancel law but came to fulfill it.

Have you ever asked why Jesus made that statement? You don't even know !

See, there are over 600 laws in old Covenant. Not just 10. Over 600. And if you fail in one law, and keep the rest, you have failed in all.

So before Jesus came , no one could fulfill the law. We are all guilty!
That's why Jesus said , since none of you could fulfill these laws, I came to fulfill it and usher you into New covenant. 

What's the New covenant?

Hebrews 8:6-10

New International Version

6 But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant  of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises.

7 For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 8 But God found fault with the people and said[a]:

“The days are coming, declares the Lord,
    when I will make a new covenant
with the people of Israel
    and with the people of Judah.
9 It will not be like the covenant
    I made with their ancestors
when I took them by the hand
    to lead them out of Egypt,
because they did not remain faithful to my covenant,
    and I turned away from them,
declares the Lord.
10 This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel
    after that time, declares the Lord.
I will put my laws in their minds
    and write them on their hearts.
I will be their God,
    and they will be my people.


Please read the above verses again .
Read it again 
Read it again and again

Now read this below 

7 For if there had been nothing wrong with that first covenant, no place would have been sought for another. 

You see? 
The law was good and perfect 
But people can't keep it.

So God send His son to keep the law on our behalf. That was why when He died on the cross the veil of temple torn from top to down not from down to top. To signify only from above can the law be kept not from below and the way to Holy of holies is opened to all.

He now say therefore in Christ Jesus , no male or female , for we are all one in Christ.

Don't take my words for it 
Please read your Bible .

One sister comment this morning that she gave up on my write ups that I always prove to know it all whereas alot of people know more than me but they read my posts and ignore .

I just respond to her : okay dear sister .

You know why? She disagree with some of my posts and gave up. Maybe she will even soon block me and that's fine.

All you need is your own Bible and Holyspirit to explain things for you. And if you agree with me fine . If Holy spirit tell you to block me , do so immediately.

Yet another sister comment again : I have always wished to meet you sir . I love everything about you and all your write up. I have been learning from you.

I replied her : all glory to God.

Such is life.

Not everyone will like or learn from my posts.
Some are even following me to look for what they can argue about because they don't have work. While some will simply disagree because they have another view which is okay. 

Menstruation does not make women impure!
It is natural. Not sickness 
To the pure all things are pure .
It is high time that we understood that Menstruation is a human issue and not only a women’s issue. Equally important it is to understand that it concerns hygiene and is not a purity issue. People need to know that menstrual blood is not impure. Just like blood from any other part of the body, once out, this blood too starts decomposing and thus emanates an odor. During periods women are at greater risk of urinary tract infections due to dampness. Contrary to popular belief that women should avoid contact with water, women need to regularly wash with clean water, keep the area dry and change sanitary napkins or tampons every three to four hours to prevent growth of bacteria or fungus leading to infections.

 Use of unclean cloth or not changing the pad at regular intervals can lead to rashes and abrasions to the external genitalia in addition to increased susceptibility to infections. We also need to understand the significance of safe disposal of menstrual waste. People throw it in toilets causing them to choke and overflow. Many times people throw it away without properly covering it due to which dogs and other stray animals pick it up from the dustbins and litter the streets. We also need to switch to more eco-friendly ways of sanitary waste disposal and also appreciate innovations in this area such as sanitary cups and bio-degradable napkins.

Having periods is not something to be ashamed of. In fact not having periods regularly or not having them altogether is a matter of health concern. 

And it's okay to fast during mentruation! 
Scripture never say a woman can't fast during mentruation. 
You can fast
You can pray 
God will always answer you
Especially during period and here is why

Many women can attest to feeling sluggish, anxious, and just downright off during their period.  there's a perfectly good reason you might feel a little under the weather around that time of the month, and it has everything to do with our hormones.

Your hormones have everything to do with how your bodies react to certain eating plans. While many are saying you can't fast during period , there's actually a time when you should actually hold off on the fasting: the week before your period. 

Although you might think cutting back on IF during your period is the way to go, i believe fasting while you're menstruating is actually just fine—it's only the week before that's a no-go. 
According to my studies, the week before your period is when your body is most vulnerable to stress.

Your estrogen experiences a steep drop at this time, which leads to cortisol sensitivity (your stress hormone). That's why right before your period, you might experience changes in your mood and energy levels, or you might have some killer sugar cravings, which  you can chalk up to this estrogen drop. 

Because your body is more sensitive to stress, I advise you steer clear of any additional stressors in your life, including high-intensity workouts and—you guessed it—intermittent fasting. Sometimes these hormetic stressors are a great thing, as they can teach your body to grow and become resilient, but i believe you should take it easy when your bodies are more stress-sensitive. 

.That week before your period when you feel naturally kind of down, give your body a little rest. Maybe go for a massage, spend some time in nature. Have some really good self-care time during that week.

Finally, throw away the beliefs that a woman is unclean or impure during her menstruation . We are all clean and pure through our faith in Finished work of Jesus and no mentruation can make you unclean before God . If anyone tell you otherwise, read your Bible for yourself and know the truth.



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