One of our doctrine in C & S church when we lead service is we bowing our head to the ground in worship of God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. Questions were raised that why do we practice this ? Is it necessary? Is it scriptural? Let me explain.

First, the most important part of our body is the head. If you want to abuse or praise someone just point to their head . Because the head represent the whole body. So when we bow our head to the ground , it signify that we submit the most important part of our body to God in worship and declaring God is the head of all. 

This is why Jesus was crucified at Golgotha known as the place of the skull. Jesus bowed his dead at the place of the skull because redeemption won't be complete without starting from where sin started (place of the skull) Adam is the head of man so since Adam had lost the glory, Jesus came as the second Adam or last Adam another head to die in place of the head to be the new head . So we bow our head in respect of the work of Christ Jesus at the place of the skull.

IS it proper or important to bow our heads for God? It is very important to bow our heads in course of serving or worshipping God. Our head is our creator.

Who is our creator? Our God is our creator. A creator is a person that make or invent or fabricate something. So God that made man is a creator of man. The regard of our head as our creator is borne out the arrangement of the parts of the human body in a manner that the head is placed on the body.

Many of the actions and activities are from the head. This is because the head has the neck, eyes for vision, the mouth for talking, eating and drinking, the ear for hearing, the nose for breathing and the brain for sensing and reasoning. In fact the head facilitate the living of man. In Yoruba perspective, head is regarded as Eleda(Creator). In view of the above, I strongly believe that all existing religion, Christianity, Islam and African religion are the same.

Jesus and Moses ORIMOLADE propagated that people should not bow their heads for idols and worship them but God. Jesus further stressed that his coming was not to destroy what had been established before his coming but to fulfill them.

The Bible says in Matthew 5:17-18 “….I have not come to abolished them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear not the smallest letter, or the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”. In furtherance, Jesus Christ emphasis the issue of bowing our heads only for God in the course of his temptation Matthew 4:8 “Again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.

All this I will give you if you will bow down and worship me. Jesus said to him, away from me Satan for it is written worship the Lord your God and server HIM only”. Many churches do not observe bowing their heads for God during their services but we practice this in C & S church. I am not saying those who don't bow their head are wrong , but I am saying what we practice is divine and scriptural.

A Christian faithful that fail to observe the time of bowing head in the church, the person’s worship is not complete. The issue is that many servants of God today are not practicing what Jesus said in the Scripture.

What happens today is that people are doing what they like and want, not the will of God anymore. Worship and service are have being modernized to suit those that establish the churches. 

No sacrifice of an sort for any idol or deity. Brethren, it is therefore very important that people bow their heads in course of serving God because God created man for His glory. So all glory should go back to HIM.

Tomorrow, I will talk on 
Baptism, Holy communion & Mentruation.



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