(Who can ascend the throne...???)

Heavenly Father, we believe and trust your Word, we want to grow in you more each day and to understand your promises for us. We commit our time together to you and ask that you heal and restore us as we dive into your Word. We want a deeper faith. We want to meet with you and know you better. So today, we say "yes" to what you want to show us as we read Scripture. Amen

The title of our lecture is *Who shall ascend the throne* found in the book of Psalm chapter 24 vs 3

what I'll like us to understand in this Psalm before we go deep is this;

1) We should remember that the earth belongs to God and everything in it, including ourselves.

2) Our hands must be clean, i.e. blameless and free from corruption.

3) Have a pure heart- our attitudes and motives must be right in the eyes of the Lord.

4) Is free from idol worship - the idol is anything that takes God’s place in your life.

5) Does not swear falsely, what this person says can be relied on, because he delights in the truth.

 In this 24 Psalm, Jesus is presented as the Chief Shepherd coming as the King of Kings to claim His throne to rule over His sheep forever and forever.



but we aren't going into that

Now, who is it THAT WILL DWELL WITH THE KING OF GLORY??. vs. 3-5

The question is asked in verse 3 "who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?"

This no doubt first referred to the hill on which the city of Jerusalem was built. 

In prophecy it refers to the ``Millennial Jerusalem``

1. He that hath clean hands and a pure heart ...These are they who have been born of the Spirit of God ...Those who have been cleansed by the BLOOD of Jesus Christ.

2. He who has not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully...Has not lifted up his should to emptiness nor made a false claim of salvation.

3. SUCH A ONE shall receive the blessings FROM the Lord...the blessings of ascending unto the holy hill of God.

 4. He shall receive the righteousness of God, NOT by his own merit BUT THE


5. THESE shall constitute the generation, the people, who seek the Lord. THOSE who have sought the Lord and have found Him

*Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord*?  A portrait of worship, as in making it a deliberate quest.  

And, to stand in God's presence in His throne room.  To stand as a 'sojourner' or stranger in a place that is only temporary.  The Tabernacle was God's earthly dwelling place prior to the Temple being built; this was about God dwelling amongst man, being with them.  This was to show the Promised Land was not just about the possession of the land; rather, it was about how God possesses our hearts and minds.  

We cannot possess God.  It is He who desires to possess us.  It is about being humble, so we are dependent upon Him and His dwelling amongst us, as we are full in Him.  Here it is God as humanity's Host that asks us to come worship; it is a personal encounter with God, (Psalm 15:1; Mark 9:3)

 Mark 9:3 His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them.

 “Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who shall stand in his holy place?

 “He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully.”

Hill of the Lord

The hill of the Lord represents higher spiritual ground, which brings us closer to God. A hill or mountain also often symbolizes the temple (see, for instance, Isaiah 2:2).

 Isaiah 2:2 Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord`s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it.

 When you climb a hill for the first time, it may seem difficult, but if you climb the hill regularly, you become stronger and better able to handle the climb. How is this like increasing your spirituality or going to the temple? What are you doing to strengthen yourself to “ascend into the hill of the Lord”?


Ascend—to climb up

Holy place

“As we recall the commandment to stand in holy places, we should remember that beyond the temple, the most sacred and holy places in all the world should be our own dwelling places.

Our homes should be committed and dedicated only to holy purposes. In our homes all of the security, the strengthening love

And the sympathetic understanding that we all so desperately need should be found.

 When we walk on this earth, look to the sky, breath the air, eat the food off the land, we must pause and realize all we see and feel, all we can have or want belongs to our Lord.

Even our very lives are His

He is the Creator and Sustainer, and we are His.  Know that He created it all--the entire universe, the oceans, lakes and rivers, even the substances of the water itself.  Therefore, what right is it of our's to have any of it?  Can we go to His Heaven and stand in The Holy Place?

Not unless He makes it so and invites us in.  We must have thoughts and actions that honor God as Lord.  We must swear rightly and not lie.  We must do right for the right reasons, that honor Him.  We cannot worship other things or gods or have distractions greater than Himself.  He is the One Who saves and protects.  We must trust in Him as Lord, then we will receive His blessings.

Make room for God in your life!  He will have our backs because we have a sincerity of trust in Him and place Him first and foremost in our lives.  We are to remove all that gets in the way of Him.  We must remove any egotism, distractions, wrongdoings or wants; all should be lifted away to make room for God as our Most Holy Lord

As He is the Mighty of all that, there is no one or anything stronger or of more worth than God Who created us and all things.

 So, why bow to a creation when we can have the Creator, our Lord Almighty, all powerful!

I think with this few words of mine, I am able to impact some knowledge into us

May the good Lord help us do his wish🙏🙏🙏

I drop my pen

 Let's pray 🙏🙇🙏🙇

Father, thank you for all the marvelous things you have done today.

Thank you for your love that you have revealed to us,

And for the love that we share together as your body

We pray for all the words that you have sown into our hearts this day.

Watch over them, protect them.

May they take root and produce wonderful things,

Things of beauty and great blessings to many.

And as we leave this place now, thank you that you walk with us.

May we be alert to your promptings

And live in your endless love.

For yours is the kingdom, the power and glory

In this age and forevermore.

Amen 🙏🙏🙏

Any question????

 My question is,

The mountain yu you are talking about is it many people go like Agelu or olorukole...  Because two years ago i saw a vision that am in side a room praying for three days without eating or drinking anything and also the Lord minister to me in my mind that i do that praying and fasting for three days.

But one PROPHET now told me that he saw a vision to me that i should go to one mountain call ojo at ibadan iwo road for any days i like but my spirit disagree with the prophecy so i ask God my telling Him that if truly God want me to go to that mountain that this rain that want to fall Shout fall but the rain did not fall so i did not go to the place the man said i should go but the one the Lord said i should i did it.

Because me i did not like those mountain at all

 Do u mean to ask if the mountain I am insinuating is like that of Agelu and olorunkole????

The mountain I am talking about is not Agelu o

Although I am not against people going to Agelu o, because i go there too

 But what I mean here is The kingdom of God *```Heaven```*

The Psalms write most word proverbially

So if u want to acsend the mountain, That is if u want to make heaven You have to be clean in heart , body and soul

 The book of Psalm chp 1 says 

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of the sinner, nor sitteth in the sit of the scornful

So you must avoid these 👆if you need to ascend the mountain of the Lord

The End


I celebrate everyone and welcome us all into this platform. I celebrate us all for  our doggedness and our love for the gospel of Christ; I pray that the Lord will uphold us, strengthen us and grand us the wisdom, knowledge and understanding from above that we may be able to do His will as He wishes in Jesus name. 

The topic before us this month is *WHO CAN ASCEND THE THRONE...???*

 First and foremost, I celebrate God in the life of the person who facilitated the program yesterday.

Let's observe the two major words in that topic, *ASCEND* and *THE THRONE*

When we talk about ascend, what should come to our mind is to *go up* or *to climb*

Now, when we talk about

*The throne* 

We should think about a position of authority, a royal seat, the top or a high level.

 Now, the throne may as well not just be a royal seat but that successful place

The successful point you wish to attain is also a throne. 

The Ascension of people in c&s churches can be said to be ascending the throne.

Please, pardon me, I have an emergency now but will drop all the messages as soon as I'm back.🙏

 The throne is a beautiful place for the Kings. 

And ONLY the king is entitled to sit on the seat and nobody else, not even the chiefs. 

Which means except you're a King you can't seat on the throne because thrones are made for Kings

PS. 24:1-5

The earth is the Lord`s, and all its fullness, The world and those who dwell therein.

2 For He has founded it upon the seas, And established it upon the waters.

3 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place?

4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully.

5 He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.

God is the King of Kings and that's why the earth and the treasure in it belongs to him.

Oba ba Lori oun gbogbo. 

The King have Dominion over everything in his city.

Just as a king may have chiefs in his region, so also so Christ made us all Kings on Earth and until you become a King, you can't ascend because the throne is only meant for Kings.

You cannot have dominion if you're not a king and you cannot be a king without having dominion.

So, the matter is very complicated and the only way to unveil the mystery is to consult the King of Kings.

There's just one requirement to attaining that throne and the requirement is this

Isa. 14:14-  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

This was the word of Lucifer before he was cut down from heaven. 

The mistake he made was to put the last thing first. 

What do I mean???

Instead of *ASCENDING* first, he should have first *BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH*

Let's stop her for today, we'd continue from here tomorrow.



Quick recap of yesterday's lecture.

Talking about 

ASCEND - it means to move, climb, go upward, mount, rise to a higher level, rank or degree, or to proceed from an inferior level to a superior level or to attain a kind of presidential position. 

THRONE - Is a seat of power, a dignitary seat meant for Kings. So, if you're not a king, you cannot sit on the throne. That means to ascend to the throne, you have to be a king and if you're not from a royal lineage or family, you cannot become a king because you're not entitled to the position and you can't ascend to the throne.

We proceed for today.

There's just one requirement to attaining that throne and the requirement is this

This was the word of Lucifer before he was cut down from heaven. 

The mistake he made was to put the last thing first. 

What do I mean???

Isa. 14:14-  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

 Instead of *ASCENDING* first, he should have first *BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH*, instead of trying to ascend the throne first, he was supposed to first be like the most high, he was supposed to be like Christ the King of Kings because thrones are meant for Kings and for Kings alone.

 Thrones are meant for the kings and except you're a king or you're from a royal lineage, there's no hope of getting to the throne no matter how hard you try.

And by the virtue of our birth (ps 51:5) Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. we are not entitled to the throne. Why????

The throne is not meant for sinful nature, the throne isn't meant for our adamic nature and by the virtue of that sin,we cannot become Kings in this world and don't forget that except you're a king, you can't ascend the throne. How did I know this??? Pro. 16:12- "it is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness" THE THRONE, the glory, success and every good thing you wish to get and every great position you wish to attain are established by righteousness and it is a taboo for any king to do wickedness so, by the virtue of the sinful lineage, the Adamic nature through which we came to this world, we are not entitled to ascend the throne. 


I remember telling us that the very big mistake Lucifer made was putting the first thing last and making the last thing first.

*N:B*- _He had not taken the step_, he is just planning, thinking it in his mind to ascend to the heights of the heavens and then be like the most high instead of him to first be like the most high before he can ascend to that greater heights. 

Now, take note of this, except you change that Adamic nature, except you turn from that Sinful nature to Christ's nature, Christ In Another Nature (Christian), except you take the nature of Christ the King of Kings, you cannot ascend the throne, you cannot attain that greater heights and if you dare to think of attaining that greater heights or ascending the throne without first accepting Christ the King's nature then, you'll actually go down like Lucifer

 So, the only way to be like him is to *BELIEVE IN HIM* and change your MINDSETtings

You don't get in life what you want, you get in life, what you are.

So, the first thing is to believe in Christ as the king of Kings, the Messiah and believe in your position as child in his lineage. 

1pet 2:9- But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

BELIEVE IN CHRIST as the Messiah, believe in him as the king of Kings, believe in him as THE ONLY WAY to ascend to that position. Then, believe in yourself as a child from his lineage and an heir to His throne.

Christ has chosen us out of that our sinful Adamic nature and made us a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people...

JUST BELIEVE in that adoption, rebirth, calling, renewal, that merciful Grace to become a member of the royal family of the king of Kings

 1 Sam 2:8

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.

 So, if only you can believe, Christ is ever ready to raise you up out of that dunghill, out of that sinful nature, out of that Adamic nature that you were born with, he's ready to raise you up and set you up among the royal lineage so that you can ascend the throne no matter your qualifications, no matter your flaws, no matter how ridiculous your acts, attitude and everything you've been doing, no matter how bad you are, no matter how low esteemed, little, small, no matter how poor you even are so that he can set you among princes, among the royal family and majorly, among Kings so that you can ascend the throne, attain the greater heights and achieve the success you're aspiring for

Secondly, we need to develop our communication skills because once you open your mouth, you tell the world who you are. 

The Bible says, as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.

 Gen 14: 40

Rev 1:6

Rev 5:10

2 Sam 7: 13

Ps 132: 12

Pro 20:28

Jer 17: 12

Rev 21: 4-7

Let's read the Bible passages in out closet and deem it fit to ask questions when we are through with it.

 Thirdly, we need to build a house (temple) for Christ and that temple is our body.

 As you take care of your hearts, take care of your body too because our body is the temple of the most high.

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of Kings.

For a while now I have been looking closely at Proverbs 25:2, and the reason is that this verse is a challenge and an encouragement. The first line is a challenge; it says that God conceals matters and it is an act of glory. To me this implies that learning and growing in understanding is not going to be easy. God conceals matter to show His glory. The next line is an encouragement to take up the challenge. It is saying that to find what is concealed is glorious. It does not stop there though. It is not simply glorious, it is the glory of kings. If we search things out that God conceals we can share in the glory of kings. That truth along with all the blessings that wisdom and understanding bring make fighting and searching for wisdom worth every effort.

In Romans 8 it tells us that we would be co-heirs with Christ. We are sons and daughters of God that makes us kings and queens as Jesus is. Not to say we are on the same level, but to say that we are royalty when we come into a relationship with God. We have the honor to search out those things that God has hidden. We have the privilege to see and understand more and more as we grow closer to God. We can experience glory given from God to grow in wisdom.

In Matthew 16 Jesus said that Peter is blessed because His divinity was revealed to Peter by God not by man. It is the glory of God to conceal things but also to give us revelations to understand what He has hidden. I think the glory comes from that fact that those things we do search out and uncover are gifts given to us by God himself. What greater honor and glory can someone ask for than a gift from the creator of the universe.

God gives us so many gifts. He has given us Jesus, grace, love, provisions, life, choice, breath, fellowship, and wisdom. It is so overwhelming to think about the honor it is to have so many gifts from God. We have been allowed to share in the glory of God and that is so overwhelming.

We are all Kings and Queens in Christ and it is our glory to search out the matters hidden by God to show and experience His glory.

 No matter how great the position you're aspiring for, the major thing you need to know and realize is this: without the king of Kings, you cannot get to that position because he's the one who will install and instate you in that position. Except you're from a royal lineage, you cannot become a king and except you're a king,  you cannot get to that throne.

 Let me round up by saying this, a lot of people always have the thought that those who don't know Christ (Yahoo boys) are more successful than those who believe and fear God.

 This thought is always rife and Paramount that it has made many Christians backslide but I have a response from the most high for everyone who have this kind of thought tonight.

 Psalm 73- Speaks more of our grieves and unhappiness


Psalm 37- is the response of Olodumare to everyone thinking about this.

 *The only person who can be successful in life, who can ascend the throne of glory... Is that person who has been renewed in spirit, soul and body to the nature of Christ*

 Who can ascend the throne

(Whether glory, success, trance or any other zenith position or good things that we aspire for)???

The person who can ascend these throne is the one who has been renewed in spirit, soul and body to the nature of Christ, the King of Kings.


 My question is

Can someone conquer sin???


 By yourself, it is impossible to conquer sin because the spirit wills but the flesh is weak; but when you give way for Christ to take charge, he will conquer sin for you. 


“We are more than conquerors *through Him (CHRIST)* who loved us” (Romans 8:37).

 In addition

“The love of Christ compels us… He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15).

Live for him and you're more than conqueror.

 *The End*



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