God is not a man that He would lie, neither a son of man to be advised; He says, and he does, and his word stands for eternity.  — Num. 23:19 (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)
God is not as man to waver, nor as the son of man to be threatened; shall he say and not perform? Shall he speak and not keep to his word?  —Num. 23:19 (Brenton Septuagint Translation)
Your financial breakthrough is in God, the more you stay, the closer your breakthrough, the more you commit sin and or doubt God, the longer it takes for you to breakthrough in God. 
There is a standard of purity, knowledge, wisdom, insight etc. a man must attain before certain depths and height in God can be achieved.
God has standard requirements a person must fulfill, it doesn't change, the same way God cannot change His mind or lie because of anybody (friend or foe) He can not change His standard. 
The best He can do is to help men to reach that high standard of his. 
The point is that if you want to be blessed one way or the other by God, then you must follow his rules. 
Now you might ask, what are the rules of this Almighty King that is unchanging? What if I can't satisfy it? What if this, what if that? 
His requirements are just ¹ You must be born again. ² you must obey every instruction from the Bible and finally, ³ You must run away from every appearance of sin. How can you possibly achieve this? At least, how do you begin?
You can't do all these things without help, and God is willing to help you if you are willing to accept His help. And the first step to accepting His help is by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. 
If you are willing to accept our Lord Jesus into your life, say these words with a sincere heart. 
30th May 2021If you are willing to accept our Lord Jesus into your life, say these words with a sincere heart. 
Say: Lord Jesus, come into my heart, forgive my sins, have mercy and give me a new life. Accept me into your kingdom and help me to meet your high standard. Thanks you heavenly father in Jesus mighty name I pray amen.
Now that you have given your life to Christ, if you’ll like us to pray with you, contact us on WhatsApp or call us on +234 810 917 9407 or email us on prayerpartypeople@gmail.com also reach out to us on IG and Facebook with @PrayerpartyZHO. Thanks.

Atan Ota, Ogun State


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