Appreciation from A NAKED HEART

Ademola, Adewale Adeoba p.k.a
*Kakaaki Olodumare*

*Appreciation from a NAKED HEART*

A man may never know himself (worth or true identity) but if he has wonderful people around him, they'll help him figure it out.
   Sincerely, I want to naked my heart to you, you and you over there this morning so as to let you see for yourself how well I appreciate you.
 To everyone who deemed it fit to wish me and celebrate my day with me, I say a very big thank you.

Honestly, *Kakaaki Olodumare (Woli AUTO)* acknowledges and appreciate the efforts of our sacrificed data, burnt airtime, invested time, exercised intelligence and the likes... *THANK YOU*

I especially thank and applaud the efforts of those who had sleepless nights just to put skits, videos, designs and those who wished me well at midnight, I must confess that what you've done is an essential service because at great and grave personal risk, you gave the best of yourselves again and again to make my day a colourful one, to you all I say  *THANK YOU*

Myself and all the members of *Kakaaki Olodumare PRAYZDRAM Ministry* and *WOLI AUTOmatic HILARIOUS HOUSE* stand with our hats doffed as we send you our prayers and words of encouragement.
*WE SHALL PASS THROUGH THIS WAY (LIFE) BUT ONCE, IF THERE BE ANY GOOD WE CAN DO, LET US DO IT FOR WE WILL NOT PASS THROUGH THIS WAY AGAIN* and I pray that the most high whom has called and sent me forth as his mouthpiece will shower His blessings and gracious Mercy upon us all in Jesus name. Amen.

To that end, it is my hope that my *‘Thank you’* in its simplicity can go some way to expressing my deep and profound gratitude In recognition of your sacrifice and everything you did for me yesterday.

May *OLODUMARE* bless you and keep you and all that pertain to you safe.



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