*Everything that was created is an extension of God. Your creativity, intelligence, gifts, abilities, capabilities and so on. God expresses Himself through you via these channels. However, when these 'channels' start experiencing turbulences and oppositions, you feel devastated, frustrated, depression soon creep in and then "LIFE BECOMES HARD."*
*At every moment of your life, you need to constantly convince yourself that GOD'S NOT DEAD. You need not wait for the situation to go ugly. If God is not dead, His extensions cannot die. The source is alive, channels receive life. You have been given the authority to speak life into your life and your sphere.*
*You are just like God, more than just an extension. You have His nature as a believer. You always are flawless and faultless before Him because you have been made perfect in Christ, for you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.*
*The words you speak are spirit and life, inundated with the resurrection power, INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, always present, never absent, ever present. So start speaking, confessing and declaring LIFE into what is seemingly dead, and unproductive around you. Always do this with the consciousness that GOD'S NOT DEAD!*
*©JUST_TEX_INIT. #texinitiative*
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