
Showing posts from March, 2021


ARE YOU ALSO HUMBLE? Proverbs 29:23  A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit. God love sinners but hate the sin in them. When it comes to pride, God pushes the proud away because they irritate Him - James 4:6  But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. i.e.  there is provision of grace for the humble people. He honors them that humble themselves. Anyone who surrender their lives to Christ has humbled themselves. Coming to God to show you mercy says many good things about you,  one of them is honor (imagine heaven honoring you simply because you are humble). If you are still a sinner, you are very proud. If you were a child of God, but you have now back-slided. So, come to God with a humble heart and give your life to Christ and then God will help your life. Your humble nature follows you to the place of prayer. See, 2 Chronicles 7:14  “If my people, which are called by my name, sha


KEEP YOUR SPACE FOR HIM “Who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14, NAS).  I know you are proud of yourself and the things you have been able to achieve in life. Accolades are gathering up for you like clouds, academically, career wise, spiritually, financially etc, but are you actually doing what God need to get done with the space you cover ?  maybe you are even in the top 10 or 5 in whatever ranking; in your family, street, state, nation etc. Are you occupying to handover souls to Jesus when He comes?  Your religious specifications doesn’t matter, are you preparing to receive him? Finish.  I know you know that you are the hottest in your circle, but what vibes are you burning your circle ? Maybe you are actually a child of God etcetera, are you infecting others with it, can others see Jesus in you ? Do you look like Jesus to them? Do you make Jesus look good and cool to hang out with or you even bad mouthing God and his servant. Use your


* DADDY MIKE BAMILOYE: A TWILIGHT CELEBRATION OF HIS 60TH BIRTHDAY * * ADDRESS BY PASTOR ABIODUN JOHN SORETIRE, STATE CHAIRMAN ANCEDRAM OGUN STATE, @SUNSHINE BIG 2021 CONFERENCE ON SATURDAY MARCH 13, 2021 HELD AT CAC LIVING SANCTUARY, IJEBU-IJEBU-ODE * I want to congratulate the organiser of SUNSHINE BIG 2021 CONFERENCE for the coming to light again of this vision after the global 2020 pandemic eclipse on almost all religious activities. I want to celebrate our father, Reverend Sunday Banjoko, and our father, Pastor Joshua Aderemi Adeyemi, for the magnanimity and willingness to host this year’s edition. I cannot but greet the number 1 drama minister in Ijebu-Ode, Evangelist Seyi Kazeem who is the Coordinator of All Nigeria Conference of Evangelical Drama Ministers (ANCEDRAM), Ijebu-Ode Local Unit, and all the other members of his executive - incidentally they just successfully hosted the ANCEDRAM OGUN State Annual Congress with the theme RESTORE here in Ijebu-Ode where the keyn


GOD DETEST HEART BREAK Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – HEB. 4:16 There is enough mercy available in God than the whole world can exhaust because He is plenteous in mercy. “The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy” Ps. 103:8 (KJV). The three word statement “God is merciful” is more powerful than it sounds, in-fact, it's one of the most humble statements written about God in the whole scripture, He is not just merciful, but also an embodiment of mercy and really willing to show mercy. The Bible says in Rom. 9:15 “For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.” (KJV), truth is, those he wants to have mercy on are those that will come and ask for it, those that are willing to begin a new life in Christ Jesus, mercy is the first show of love God shows to a sinner. Even God detests heart bre


GIVE AWAY FOR THE SOBER SINNERS Isaiah 14:1 - For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob. Mercy is not something God is stingy with, Psalms 145:8 proves this by saying that, The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy. Allow me say that He is looking for who He will show mercy to, this is another reason for the great commission, that we should go and talk to people about Jesus, anyone who is sober and ready to say sorry amongst them will get a free gift of salvation (giveaway for the sober sinners). He will give them anything they need and in exchange for that, they'll also go and bring many other people like them and the only condition is that everything will be done His own way (God'sown way). Lobatan.  See, God is ready to forgive anyone that is ready to forsake their bad ways and follow His glori


*A  SOLDIER HAS FALLEN*  We write to announce the passing of a soldier of the cross who defended his faith till he was called  on Tuesday 23rd March 2021.  *Evang. BLESSING ADEOLUWA* has gone to be with the Lord. Popularly known as "Ta ni were?" (Who is a mad man) was the former ANCEDRAM chairman of Ondo state. He was very popular with One man drama evangelism. By the grace of God, he has toured most states of Northern Nigeria ministering in solo ministration.  It remains a mystery while God chose to call him by this time even when he was on a mission field by Sunday before he took I'll. But we are consoled by the works he has done for God. The National President urges all members to emulate his Evangelical zeal especially through drama . The president extends his condolences to the chairman and people of Ondo state ANCEDRAM and his entire family.  Burial is Saturday 27th by 12 noon. Venue : His house, Onimalu, Kajola, off Oda road, Akure, Ondo State. Let's continue t


*ANCEDRAM NATIONAL ANTHEM* 1. We are one in one spirit We are one with one vision To spread the gospel through Drama United we stand against the devil *Chorus:* ANCEDRAM, Drama Army ANCEDRAM, against the devil ANCEDRAM, is for unity We are one, we are one, we are one. 2. We are one mighty army Acting the Word with God's power Acting the Word with Anointing Reconciling men to God Causing revival in the churches *(Back to Chorus)* 3. We are one building together Standing together with one vision Bringing deliverance to the captives Breaking the yoke of the devil Through Evangelical Drama *(Back to Chorus)* *ANCEDRAM OGUN ANTHEM* Ogun State ANCEDRAM, kò le bàjẹ́ Ogun State ANCEDRAM, kò le dàrú o Ogun State ANCEDRAM, kò le bàjẹ́ Ogun State ANCEDRAM, kò le dàrú o Ise la dúró gbon-in gbon-in, Ise la dúró [Ninu Oluwa] Ise la dúró gbon-in gbon-in, Ise la dúró ooooooo #Kakaaki_Olodumare

KO LE WORK MAN ! (It can't work man)

KO LE WORK MAN ! (It can’t work man) Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Many things are available in God, many times we think it is up to us to determine what we get. Many people know that the Almighty God can do all things and that He is everything we preach that He is, they want all the good things he had to offer but don’t want to do every instructions he has given. Ko le work man.  It’s a package, instructions births the reality, if you miss the instructions you’ll suffer the consequences, not because God is punishing you but because you are beefing him and rejecting his good gift by not doing his will; the Bible already says in 3 John 1:2- Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. You see? As if that is not enough the Bible says again in Jeremiah 29:11-  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith t

Kakaaki Olodumare celebrates ADEMOLA MARY ADEDAYO on her day.

*KAKAAKI OLODUMARE PRAYZDRAM MINISTRY*  ➖➖➖➖➖  *From* :- OFFICE OF THE VISIONEER 🇳🇬🇳🇬  *To* :- Mrs. Adeleke Mary Adedayo a.k.a Omo Eri  *On* :- ATTAINMENT OF A NEW AGE (BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION). ➖➖➖➖➖➖  _It is worthy and reasonable for human to always thank God for good health and good life at all time but a life who sees the day he/she was born to the world deserves to be more thankful._   _It is in this delight that I write this congratulatory message to you *Mrs. ADELEKE MARY ADEDAYO a.k.a Omo Eri* _that may you see many more on the land of the living._   *#Kakaaki_Olodumare* on behalf of all the *KOPDRAM MEMBERS* _says happy birthday to you our wonderful sister, chorister, DRAMA MINISTER and poet who shall remain the best in all spheres of life, the members also express their gratitude to Almighty God on your behalf for sparing your life till this moment._   _Your developmental works would keep celebrating you._    _Yours in wishes_   **Kakaaki_Olodumare.* _Woli Auto_ #Kakaaki_Olo

Ancedram Agbara sub-unit celebrates AKINDE ISRAEL AYOMIDE

*ALL NIGERIA CONFERENCE OF EVANGELICAL DRAMA MINISTERS*  _ANCEDRAM ADO-ODO/OTTA UNIT, AGBARA SUB-UNIT._ ➖➖➖➖➖  *From* :- OFFICE OF THE SUB-UNIT LEADER 🇳🇬🇳🇬  *To* :- Bro Akinde Israel Ayomide  *On* :- ATTAINMENT OF A NEW AGE (BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION). ➖➖➖➖➖➖  _It is worthy and reasonable for human to always thank God for good health and good life at all time but a life who sees the day he/she was born to the world deserves to be more thankful._   _It is in this delight that I write this congratulatory message to you *Bro Akinde Israel Ayomide a.k.a King Lyricash* that may you see many more on the land of the living._   *#Kakaaki_Olodumare* on behalf of all the *ANCEDRAM AGBARA SUB-UNIT MEMBERS* _says happy birthday to you our wonderful brother, chorister, No. 1 drummer boy, DRAMA MINISTER. You shall remain the best in all spheres of life, the members also express their gratitude to Almighty God on your behalf for sparing your life till this moment._   _Your developmental works would ke

Kakaaki Olodumare celebrates MR. OLANIYI SUNDAY on his birthday I

Permit me to break all protocol As I give an honourable call To the day's celebrant, The elegant man who is also vibrant.  Mr Olaniyi Sunday Today Is the day that the Lord has made We will rejoice and be glad before it fades For a man like you is a gift That God deposited to lift Others from the deep pit To the Apex, I mean the success seat. I have been to different parts of the world But, I've found none like you and God Permit me to call you BABA ALAINIBABA Because you stood in gap during the embers When people believe are months of evil. I look round and I realized that a man like you is rare Not because of gold and silver But because of the words of healing And that of deliverance that proceeds out  Of your mouth like an advice and encouragement.  I love you and treasure you sir And I pray that the host of heaven takes over From here and help me thank you by blessing you abundantly.  Happy birthday to you sir. Age with massive grace #Kakaaki_Olodumare