

*An online Youths Seminar by the Youths Department of The Proclaimers of God's Glory Assembly, Aparadija, Lafenwa Ota.* _On: Sunday, 26th January, 2025._ _By: 8pm_ _At: WhatsApp Youths Page_ *TOPIC: PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE* *Delivered by: Bro Ademola Gabriel ADEOTI (Guest Speaker)* *Anchor Scripture: Matt 22:37-40* _Keynotes:_ The topic has three major keywords namely;  *PURPOSE, DRIVE and LIFE* *PURPOSE:* The end for which something is done, made or exists (i.e, the purpose of turning off the lights overnight is to save energy) It simply means aim, goal, target, plan, intention and reason. *DRIVEN:*(the past participle of drive): Passionately motivated to achieve goals. It means something planned usually long lasting, and effort to achieve something, the ability coupled with ambition, determination and motivation. In other words, drive means ambition, grit, push, verve, motivation, get-up-and-go and self motivation. *LIFE:* A worthwhile exstence (Jn 1:4, 3:15-16, 3:36, 4:4, 6:48, Col....


It is very good to find a partner in church but be very careful not to fall for the rampant pattern. Not all SISTERS in church are well,  Many are SICK STERS in the atmosphere  Dressing hot to make BROTHERS SEE STARS Not knowing there are also many BROad TARES Who knot ties to hunt BROAD ASS in the vineyard  Many PASTORS no better PASS WHORES  Even DEACON still puts up DICK IN EX CHOIR composes their SINging back to back Many ALTARS have been ALTERED So, prophecies UTTERED are already WALTERED  Guest ministers are now mini stars  They sing, pray, prophesy with WIRELESS  Yet, hours of ministration remains meaningless  Just because they are now FIRELESSπŸ”₯ There's a need for REVIVAL  A need for RENEWAL The strange fire must go out And God's glory must come out.  Just as I thought πŸ’­ πŸ€”  LET THERE BE REVIVAL FIRE πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ #Kakaaki_Olodumare


𝗣π—₯𝗒𝗨𝗗 𝗣π—₯π—’π—£π—›π—˜π—§  Oh man of God, humble yourself. Don't think there is none like you Don't boast of your gifts , Anointing or results Don't boast about your Rank and Position  Boast only in the Lord . If people older than you or your parents kneel to greet you or talk with you, stand up and stop them. Lift them up immediately like Peter . In Act 10:25-26, Cornelius Prostrate to greet Peter He knew Peter was called and anointed  But Peter lift him up, and say no no , don't do this. We are brethren . We are one . Humble soul. Pastors, Apostles , prophets , leaders humble yourself . Don't fight over seat or staff or position. Don't fight to claim seniority or claim to be superior. Fight the good fight of faith. If members leave your church , don't say they can't make it again in life because they left you . Leaving your ministry is not leaving God . Don't be angry at your follower because they didn't tell you when they want to travel so yo...


*THE EIGHT GROUPS OF PRETENDERS AND DANGEROUS PEOPLE. YOU NEED TO KNOW AND HANDLE WITH WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE* (1) *THOMAS GROUP*- They pretend to submit to you, and possibly follow you but don't really believe in you. They keep on delaying and frustrating your vision and mission. (John 20:24-29) (2) *JUDAS GROUP*- They eat with you but are after what they can get from you or elsewhere. They are not loyal and can easily betray you. (Matthew 26:14-16) (3) *DEMAS GROUP* - They walk with you and work with you ; but once you start facing challenges and difficulties, they run away and forsake you. (2 Timothy 4:10) (4) *KORAH GROUP* - They pretend to be walking with you but when GOD begins to bless you, they will be jealous of your success. They challenge your influence and authority. They have issues when others acknowledge you. _(Numbers 16:1-3)_ (5) *HAM GROUP* - They are close to you, yet they expose your secrets and nakedness. The day you make a mistake or commit an error and f...


*SILENT PRIDE* 😭😭😭 I have been in ministry for quite some time now, and have taken time to study my life and the life of others. I have studied the scriptures and discovered *ONE MAJOR THING that GOD HATES*, is *PRIDE* Ps 40 vs4.😭 PRIDE is in two categories, the VOICED PRIDE and the SILENT PRIDE. I would love you to read this article with all BROKENNESS of heart. Bible clearly stated that *GOD RESISTS THE PROUD. James 4vs6 * That's one verse in the Bible I FEAR most. Imagine a MINISTER that GOD is resisting his ministry, Imagine a Person that God is resisting his life. *IF GOD is RESISTING you, who can ASSIST YOU?* Listen! your MINISTRY will never grow more than it is now if you ARE A VICTIM OF GOD'S RESISTANCE. *and anyone WHO partners with YOUR MINISTRY will also PARTNER in your MISERY.* The worst case of PRIDE is to be PROUD and you don't EVEN KNOW. Hmmmmmmm. SILENT PRIDE. This I see in the LIFE of some persons, especially young Ministers, and I cry. *SILENT PRIDE* i...


NINE PRAYERS FOR THE NOT-YET MARRIED😍πŸ₯°πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨ I MESSED UP AT A POINT IN THE MINISTRY TOO BUT GOD'S MERCIFUL GRACE LIFTED ME.  SO, I AM GIVING THESE GUIDING RULES FOR  MINISTERS (ESPECIALLY SINGLES) God is utterly committed to giving us what’s best for us when it’s best for us only if it’s best for us.” 1.Not my will, but yours, be done. be done (Luke 22:42) 2. Reveal as much of yourself to me as possible while I’m still single.. (Ephesians 1:16–19) 3. Satisfy me so fully now that I never look to anyone else to make me happy. (Psalm 119:10, 15, 37, 133) 4.Tell the world about yourself through my joy and freedom in singleness.(Hebrews 13:20–21) 5. Give me faith to trust you even when I walk through pain and disappointment alone.. (2 Corinthians 12:7–10) 6.Send me the people I need to follow you.. (Ephesians 4:11–16) 7. Protect me from making work my god while I wait for marriage. (Colossians 3:23–24) 8. Keep me from conforming to the world around me, and make me more like ...


**HOW TO INSPIRE MANNERS IN YOUR CHILDREN.* 1. When entering the house greet your children or even hug them. This should help develop their sense of love and self worth. 2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. Your children would listen, absorb and emulate. 3. When calling your parents, encourage your children to speak to them. When visiting your parents take your children with you. The more they see you take care of your parents the more they will learn to take care of you. 4. When driving them to school, don't always play albums or cds in the car. Rather, tell them some motivational stories yourself. This will have a greater impact - trust me! 5. Read to them a short story and even a scripture a day – it doesn't take much time, but very good in creating strong bonds and wonderful memories. 6. Comb your hair, clean your teeth and wear presentable clothes even if sitting at home and not going out for the day. They nee...