

*SILENT PRIDE* 😭😭😭 I have been in ministry for quite some time now, and have taken time to study my life and the life of others. I have studied the scriptures and discovered *ONE MAJOR THING that GOD HATES*, is *PRIDE* Ps 40 vs4.😭 PRIDE is in two categories, the VOICED PRIDE and the SILENT PRIDE. I would love you to read this article with all BROKENNESS of heart. Bible clearly stated that *GOD RESISTS THE PROUD. James 4vs6 * That's one verse in the Bible I FEAR most. Imagine a MINISTER that GOD is resisting his ministry, Imagine a Person that God is resisting his life. *IF GOD is RESISTING you, who can ASSIST YOU?* Listen! your MINISTRY will never grow more than it is now if you ARE A VICTIM OF GOD'S RESISTANCE. *and anyone WHO partners with YOUR MINISTRY will also PARTNER in your MISERY.* The worst case of PRIDE is to be PROUD and you don't EVEN KNOW. Hmmmmmmm. SILENT PRIDE. This I see in the LIFE of some persons, especially young Ministers, and I cry. *SILENT PRIDE* i


NINE PRAYERS FOR THE NOT-YET MARRIED😍πŸ₯°πŸ‘©‍❤️‍πŸ’‹‍πŸ‘¨ I MESSED UP AT A POINT IN THE MINISTRY TOO BUT GOD'S MERCIFUL GRACE LIFTED ME.  SO, I AM GIVING THESE GUIDING RULES FOR  MINISTERS (ESPECIALLY SINGLES) God is utterly committed to giving us what’s best for us when it’s best for us only if it’s best for us.” 1.Not my will, but yours, be done. be done (Luke 22:42) 2. Reveal as much of yourself to me as possible while I’m still single.. (Ephesians 1:16–19) 3. Satisfy me so fully now that I never look to anyone else to make me happy. (Psalm 119:10, 15, 37, 133) 4.Tell the world about yourself through my joy and freedom in singleness.(Hebrews 13:20–21) 5. Give me faith to trust you even when I walk through pain and disappointment alone.. (2 Corinthians 12:7–10) 6.Send me the people I need to follow you.. (Ephesians 4:11–16) 7. Protect me from making work my god while I wait for marriage. (Colossians 3:23–24) 8. Keep me from conforming to the world around me, and make me more like Jesus


**HOW TO INSPIRE MANNERS IN YOUR CHILDREN.* 1. When entering the house greet your children or even hug them. This should help develop their sense of love and self worth. 2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. Your children would listen, absorb and emulate. 3. When calling your parents, encourage your children to speak to them. When visiting your parents take your children with you. The more they see you take care of your parents the more they will learn to take care of you. 4. When driving them to school, don't always play albums or cds in the car. Rather, tell them some motivational stories yourself. This will have a greater impact - trust me! 5. Read to them a short story and even a scripture a day – it doesn't take much time, but very good in creating strong bonds and wonderful memories. 6. Comb your hair, clean your teeth and wear presentable clothes even if sitting at home and not going out for the day. They nee


WHERE WAS GOD WHEN HE CREATED THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH 🌍???? This is one of the major questions that people have always asked in the body of Christ and to be candid, this question has caused a lot of arggy-baggy in the body of Christ. Few weeks ago, the question was still raised in our Sunday school class but the answer I gave wasn't satisfactory to the person who raised the question but to avoid any hiccups, I just decided to keep mute that God will unveil the mystery of his word to us. Few days ago, after an online class by SSamuel SammySammy on a WhatsApp platform called PASSION, someone raised this same question. Despite the fact that I was too busy to participate in the lecture, the question, grabbed my attention and I had to read through the lecture to be sure my contribution won't contradict the discussion of the day. Afterwards, the holy spirit ministered to me and my eyes was opened to see a mystery in the scripture and with that, I was able to answer the question. Al


THE OFFICE OF PROPHETS IN THE CHURCH I read one comment in my previous post that the prophets are the greatest of all ministers of God and that's why C & S are prophetic than other denomination. Let me explain according to Scripture. Saying prophets are greater than all other ministers is like saying your index finger is greater than all your fingers.  I intentionally post the image of finger with the five fold Ministry to make us understand this better : 1. Apostle 2. Prophet 3. Evangelist 4. Pastor  5. Teacher . Now if you want to use your hand to carry a bag, do you say the middle finger is the greatest? Or you just use all the fingers to carry the bag ? Yes that's all we do.  This is exactly how it is from God's view.  All ministry are same to God. He use each one according to his purpose. Did you know that Jesus handover the work of salvation to the Apostles? When Paul will mention the ministries , Apostles always come first . 1Corinthians 12:28 And God has placed


I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, I JUST OPEN MY MOUTH AND HE FILLS IT All through Saturday night, I found it difficult to revise the Sunday school manual with me knowing fully well that I will be taking the class on Sunday morning.  I even found it difficult to study for my ministration that Sunday morning, I just prayed that God should speak to me and through me to his people. Till the morning, I didn't hear anything o; I even went to church, God didn't speak. I was then trying to find alternative but my jotters were not close to me...  Just 2 min to the ministration, He just spoke to me *John 11:35*. I wanted to open the scriptures when they invited me to the podium and I mounted the podium, prayed and told the congregation that the the topic of my exhortation is the SADNESS OF GOD. We read the memory scripture and God started speaking through me John 11:35 - Jesus wept Yes! Jesus, the Messiah; the one who wipes people's tears wept, why???? John 11:1 downward - Lazarus, a frien


JESUS ADDICT We like to be on stage not because we have the sage or we are chasing the wage but because our heart is caged in jesus, the giver of sage. To this world, we were born, Along the line, we were reborn. To some we are related by blood To some we are related by God. I bless the day we cross path For what we've shared cannot be torn apart. You and I have become part Parts of a single mind and heart.   #woli_automatic #kakaaki_olodumare #Kakaaki_Olodumare