*#MYSTERY_OF_LOVE* On the 14th of February, People celebrate love all over the world's territory, Instead of going to the lord's santuary In order to give GOD all the glory. Feb.14 is valentine's day. It is popularly known as lovers day, Butt everyone has gone astray, They are celebrating it in their own way. A proverb says "absence makes the heart grow fonder" but everyone has forgotten the great lover, He came to this world as a commoner, And used His blood to correct all our blunder. VAL is not all about feasting, Going outings or exchanging good tidings, It's all about thanking God and rejoicing, Exchanging worships n praise offering. His love for us has been proved, He died for us all; I'm marvelled, Devil is nothing but a hoodoo, There is no love outside christ; dont be fooled. A stitch in time saves nine. Females are easily fooled with fanciful clothes and jewelry made of pearls and gold. look before you leap a...